Search found 16 matches

by pwyq
28 Feb 2022, 19:32
Forum: General questions
Topic: ZeroMQ non blocking example error
Replies: 3
Views: 1670

Re: ZeroMQ non blocking example error

I just renamed to and changed the import path of zmqRemoteApi for my own workspace. Nothing else. OS: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS Python: 3.9.7 CoppeliaSim: V4.3.0 (rev. 3) flavor: 1 A new minimal conda environment is used for this task. Conda config: name: ......
by pwyq
25 Feb 2022, 21:34
Forum: General questions
Topic: ZeroMQ non blocking example error
Replies: 3
Views: 1670

ZeroMQ non blocking example error

Hi, I am trying to switch from Python Legacy Remote API to ZeroMQ as suggested, but I have encountered a bit more resistence than expected. One of the problems I would like to ask for help: While I tried to run code from "" and with example scene "controlledVi...
by pwyq
17 Feb 2022, 04:39
Forum: General questions
Topic: object IRB4600_joint1 is not dynamically enable
Replies: 3
Views: 6463

Re: object IRB4600_joint1 is not dynamically enable

Hi, I have the same question. I looked at the provided link but I failed to find how exactly to "make each of the links dynamic".

Could you elaborate a bit more? Thank you very much in advance.
by pwyq
05 Feb 2022, 08:28
Forum: Bug reports
Topic: duplicated object script cannot find other objects by sim.getObjectHandle()
Replies: 1
Views: 2844

duplicated object script cannot find other objects by sim.getObjectHandle()

Hi, in CoppeliaSim 4.2.0 (I haven't tested this with 4.3.0), I found that when I duplicate a robot, the new one is appended a string '#0' (as expected). The child script can get the handle of the robot itself (such as sim.getObjectHandle('robot#0') ), but it fails to find any other objects other tha...
by pwyq
14 Oct 2021, 00:25
Forum: General questions
Topic: OMPL collision detection/avoidance vs bounding box
Replies: 2
Views: 6771

Re: OMPL collision detection/avoidance vs bounding box

On a side note, is there a way to add a 'safe distance' between manipulator and obstacles? For instance, let the OMPL solution path always be x meters away from the obstacles.
by pwyq
14 Oct 2021, 00:17
Forum: General questions
Topic: OMPL collision detection/avoidance vs bounding box
Replies: 2
Views: 6771

OMPL collision detection/avoidance vs bounding box

Hi Coppelia, I'm trying to use OMPL to generate a collision-free path between configurations. I also use sim.checkCollision() to check if there is any collisions. In this screenshot:, I think the arm only collides with the bounding box of the obstacle but not the actual obstac...
by pwyq
22 Sep 2021, 23:36
Forum: General questions
Topic: motionPlanningDemo1 cannot be ran in v4.2.0
Replies: 7
Views: 13143

Re: motionPlanningDemo1 cannot be ran in v4.2.0

Hello Coppelia, Thank you for the suggestions. I made following changes (code: - only enabled visible shapes to be collidable - changed all visible shape's self-collision indicators to 0, left others' indictors unfilled -...
by pwyq
18 Sep 2021, 02:42
Forum: General questions
Topic: motionPlanningDemo1 cannot be ran in v4.2.0
Replies: 7
Views: 13143

Re: motionPlanningDemo1 cannot be ran in v4.2.0

Hello Coppelia, I am trying to move a robot arm between two configurations with an obstacle in between. I tried to follow roadmap_multiquery.ttt and motionPlanningDemo1.ttt , but failed to get the obstacle avoidance working. My code:
by pwyq
10 Sep 2021, 19:04
Forum: General questions
Topic: motionPlanningDemo1 cannot be ran in v4.2.0
Replies: 7
Views: 13143

Re: motionPlanningDemo1 cannot be ran in v4.2.0

Hi, I added the provided line, but the scene still gets stuck in "info: searching for a maximum of 60 valid goal configurations..."

Do I need to rebuild the scene (like changing API format to the latest) in V4.2.0?
by pwyq
09 Sep 2021, 21:07
Forum: General questions
Topic: motionPlanningDemo1 cannot be ran in v4.2.0
Replies: 7
Views: 13143

motionPlanningDemo1 cannot be ran in v4.2.0

Hi CoppeliaSim, I would like to achieve the exact same obstacle avoidance as shown in the `motionPlanningDemo1`. When I try to run the example scene `motionPlanningDemo1` from V4.1.0 in V4.2.0, it gets stuck. I am wondering what modifications that need to be done so that it can run in V4.2.0. Thank ...