Soft Body Deformations

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Joined: 08 May 2015, 09:27

Soft Body Deformations

Post by bmn15 »

What is the best method to include in V-REP a nonlinear deformation or skinning model with bone structures?
I was looking on cal3D and Assimp but it seems that they has been long time since they are updated and burdensome.
This feature would be mainly applied in kinematic simulations.

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Re: Soft Body Deformations

Post by coppelia »


if I understand you correctly, you just want a way to be able to display deformable meshes? If this is the case, you have several options:
With above two methods, you will however not be able to interact with the mesh (i.e. no collision checking, no distance calculation, no dynamic interaction), the mesh is just visualized.

You could also constantly erase a shape and create a new one with simRemoveObject and simCreateMeshShape, but this operation could be quite slow. But then, you could check collisions and distances on it (but slow, since the fast data structure used in collision detection/distance calculation needs to be initialized over and over again). Simple mesh scaling could be faster, specially if you do isometric scaling, since then the fast data structure will not have to be initialized over and over again.


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