Editing an existent robot

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Joined: 01 Aug 2015, 15:31

Editing an existent robot

Post by Masty »

Hello everyone. I'm new in using V-REP. I'd like some help, regarding the next topic:

---> I'm trying to use an existent mobile robot (pioneer p3dx) so I can test some algorithms, but I need to remove some of the sensors from the p3dx. As a second case, I need to add more sensors into the p3dx, in different positions. <---

So far, I wasn't able to do it. (I've tryed for two days)

Any suggestion is much appreciated. Thanks in advance !

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Joined: 01 Aug 2015, 18:00

Re: Editing an existent robot

Post by lshachar »

Does this help?

You can remove a sensor by deleting it, but you'd want to change the script accordingly.
Last edited by lshachar on 04 Aug 2015, 14:59, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: 01 Aug 2015, 15:31

Re: Editing an existent robot

Post by Masty »

Sorry, it does not.
To be more specific, after I import the robot into a new scene, I can only select the robot as one piece.

How I see the approach: I'd like to be able to select various parts from the robot, so I can add or remove some of them.

So...my questions still remain. Please help !

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Re: Editing an existent robot

Post by lshachar »

I don't suppose you see the scene hierarchy then?


Maybe post a screenshot if you still have issues?

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Joined: 01 Aug 2015, 15:31

Re: Editing an existent robot

Post by Masty »

Well, I shall elaborate more throught an example.


I'd like to delete thouse two sensors from the model, and add them, let's say for an example, to the bottom of the robot, as seen in the picture.
Because it seems that it takes a bit long for the imagine to be uploaded into the post, I'll put the link of the picture here :


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Re: Editing an existent robot

Post by coppelia »

Thanks Ishachar,

yes, this is the way to do it: select the item in the scene hierarchy and change its parent or position/orientation. Check for that also this dialog.

Finally, when you import a mesh from another format, you might end-up with a single imported mesh. You can try to subdivide it with [Menu bar --> Edit --> Grouping/merging... --> Divide selected shapes]. You can also use the shape edit mode for that.


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