What happens when the simulation is stopped?

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What happens when the simulation is stopped?

Post by johnh »


I'm using the remote API to move an object via the continuous service as the user should be able to move the object from the client application regardless of whether the simulation is running or not. When the simulation is stopped, sometimes a moved object stays where it is but sometimes it seems to pop back to a previous position. I can't find anything about this in the documentation, but my impression is that the simulator acts as if it takes a snapshot of the situation when the simulation starts and then restores that situation when it stops, so that changes made by the user when the simulation is stopped persist but those made when it is running are lost.

Is this interpretation of what is happening correct? Is it safe to assume that after stopping the simulation the state will be exactly the same as it was when last started (but different from that stored in the scene file, if changes were made while the simulation was stopped)?

Thanks, John.

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Re: What happens when the simulation is stopped?

Post by coppelia »

Hello John,

yes, this is correct and can be enabled/disabled in the simulation settings dialog: by default, objects added during dimulation will be removed at simulation end, and the parent-child relationships, including the positions/orientations will be restored.


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