V-Rep installation on Ubuntu

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V-Rep installation on Ubuntu

Post by Space »


I would like to have a tutorial on how to install V-Rep on Ubuntu 14.04 as until now i was only working on Win7.

thanks in advance


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Joined: 01 Apr 2016, 23:14

Re: V-Rep installation on Ubuntu

Post by grindrise »



You have to download it from here and you should unpack it to somewhere and thats all after it can be ran by terminal.
You have to go in V-rep folder and run "./vrep.sh".


farah amirah
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Joined: 05 Oct 2016, 07:31

Re: V-Rep installation on Ubuntu

Post by farah amirah »

hello, i want to ask is it possible to run vrep in ubuntu with ROS? Is we able to run simulation of kuka youbot vrep and at the same time we able to run the real youbot using ros ubuntu?

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Re: V-Rep installation on Ubuntu

Post by coppelia »


yes, you can do that. You will however have to prepare all the ROS messages yourself, and correctly link that with the YouBot model. Have a look here, and at the very simple demo scene for ROS communication: scenes/rosInterfaceTopicPublisherAndSubscriber.ttt.


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