How to compile without Qt?

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How to compile without Qt?

Post by Rodrigo »


I have been trying to compile V-Rep without Qt dependencies in Ubuntu 14.04 64 bits, so I have been following the Compiling V-REP part of the manual. I first downloaded the non-qt dependencies libraries:

Code: Select all

$ sudo apt-get install lua5.1 lua5.1-doc lua5.1-lgi lua5.1-lgi-dev lua5.1-policy lua5.1-policy-dev 
$ sudo apt-get install liblua5.1-0 liblua5.1-0-dbg liblua5.1-0-dev liblua5.1-dev 
$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
I downloaded the latest version of V-Rep (3.3.0) and the latest version of the V-Rep source code (3.3.0), I ran V-Rep once and put the source code folder v_rep inside the V-Rep program folder, I changed the make file name from makefile_noGui_noGl to makefile and ran the make command but I keep getting the following error:

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 -IsourceCode/inverseKinematics/ik -IsourceCode/shared/sharedBufferFunctions -IsourceCode/communication -IsourceCode/communication/tubes -IsourceCode/communication/wireless -IsourceCode/drawingObjects -IsourceCode/platform -IsourceCode/collections -IsourceCode/collisions -IsourceCode/distances -IsourceCode/pathPlanning -IsourceCode/motionPlanning -IsourceCode/3dObjects -IsourceCode/3dObjects/related -IsourceCode/3dObjects/graphObjectRelated -IsourceCode/3dObjects/millObjectRelated -IsourceCode/3dObjects/pathObjectRelated -IsourceCode/3dObjects/proximitySensorObjectRelated -IsourceCode/3dObjects/shapeObjectRelated -IsourceCode/3dObjects/volumeObjectRelated -IsourceCode/3dObjects/visionSensorObjectRelated -IsourceCode/mainStaticContainers -IsourceCode/mainContainers -IsourceCode/mainContainers/sceneContainers -IsourceCode/mainContainers/applicationContainers -IsourceCode/luaScripting -IsourceCode/luaScripting/customLuaFunctions -IsourceCode/luaScripting/luaStackObjects -IsourceCode/pagesAndViews -IsourceCode/importExport -IsourceCode/textures -IsourceCode/serialization -IsourceCode/strings -IsourceCode/interfaces -IsourceCode/menusAndSimilar -IsourceCode/variousFunctions -IsourceCode/geometricAlgorithms -IsourceCode/various -IsourceCode/libsAndPlugins -IsourceCode/visual -IsourceCode/utils -IsourceCode/sharedBufferFunctions -IsourceCode/backwardCompatibility -IsourceCode/customUserInterfaces -I../programming/include -I../programming/v_repMath -c sourceCode/luaScripting/LuaWrapper.cpp -o LuaWrapper.o
sourceCode/luaScripting/LuaWrapper.cpp:37:18: fatal error: lua.h: No such file or directory
  #include "lua.h"
compilation terminated.
make: *** [all] Error 1
Is there any configuration or dependency that I am missing for it to compile correctly?


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Re: How to compile without Qt?

Post by coppelia »


It seems that it cannot find the Lua header files. Make sure you have specified the location of those files in the makeFile (i.e. line 14). Also, in the last line, you are telling the linker to link to the lua library. That one also needs to be reachable.


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Re: How to compile without Qt?

Post by Rodrigo »


Thank you very much, I still don't have much experience compiling in Ubuntu so could you please tell me how to identify the paths needed in the system folders after the required dependencies are installed through apt?

I have already tried to compile v-rep by directly downloading the lua libraries lua5_1_4_Linux26g4_64_lib needed in the makefile and putting them in the folder above the program folder, it compiles with no errors and outputs the file, I then replace this file in the main program and try to run it but it outputs the following error:

Code: Select all

vrep: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: _ZN24CInterfaceStackContainerC1Ev
Is this the correct procedure to compile and run or is there something I am missing? would this be a consequence of not compiling with the apt installed libraries?


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Re: How to compile without Qt?

Post by Rodrigo »


I found the lua headers under /usr/include/lua5.1, but I still get the same error when trying to run vrep by using ./

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vrep: symbol lookup error: undefined symbol: _ZN24CInterfaceStackContainerC1Ev
If I try to run only ./vrep I get:

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Error: could not find or correctly load the V-REP library

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Re: How to compile without Qt?

Post by coppelia »

Oops, it seems we forgot to update the make file you are using. You will probably have to add a few entries, such as:

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	gcc $(CFLAGS) -c sourceCode/mainContainers/applicationContainers/interfaceStackContainer.cpp -o interfaceStackContainer.o

Posts: 29
Joined: 25 Aug 2014, 16:33

Re: How to compile without Qt?

Post by Rodrigo »


I added the line from the last post to the make file and it seems to be working now. I'll come back if I get another problem with the compilation.

Thank you very much.

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