Label or text box on the scene

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Label or text box on the scene

Post by neshom »

Is it possible to put a lable, text box or something like a banner on the screen? I'd like it to be fixed relative to the corner of the V-REP window so that when I rotate the scene I always see the text/banner fixed at its specific position.


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Re: Label or text box on the scene

Post by coppelia »


you have several possibilities:
  • Banners can be used, but they will be displayed relative to a specific point/object in the scene. For an example, have a look at the demo scene controlTypeExamples.ttt
  • You can use custom UIs, based on Qt. With that solution you can display real and complex dialogs. The dialogs will also be able to be placed anywhere on the screen(s). Have a look at the demo scene customUI-QtBased.ttt
  • You can use custom UIs, based on openGl. Have a look at the model located in Models/components/sensors/accelerometer.ttm.

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