Door Handles/ Door Knobs

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Door Handles/ Door Knobs

Post by snakeplissken »

Hello all,

I want to test gripping on an object like a handle which I can turn and then pull on to open a door, but can't find anything in the model directory, the "manual door" has a slider but the handle doesn't appear to do anything.

Is there a model with this sort of feature and if not how would I go about building one?


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Re: Door Handles/ Door Knobs

Post by snakeplissken »

After experimenting with a few things, it looks like I can test for the rotation of a door knob and then set a flag allowing for the rotation of the door joint, or not allowing otherwise.

I have a new problem now, when trying to get the PhantomXPincher to grasp onto a cylinder and pull on it, it just slides right off. Both the gripper and the cylinder are dynamical and collidable, I have tried various weights for the cylinder and it doesnt change anything. I have seen some references about attaching objects using a force sensor, but can I not just pick up objects via the inherent dynamics in the sim?

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Re: Door Handles/ Door Knobs

Post by snakeplissken »

Tried setting texture on both the gripper and shape (now changed to a cube) to 'high friction', and i can sort of move the cube around by sliding it across the floor now, but if i try to pick it up the gripper just lets it go. Have tried various values of gripper joint to close it more/less and the same thing happens.

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Re: Door Handles/ Door Knobs

Post by snakeplissken »

Tried swapping out the phantom hand with a barrett hand, get somewhat ok results with picking up a cube.

Now I'm trying to pull a door open by attaching a cylinder to the door (i have tried both revolute/ prismatic joint) and pulling the cylinder. The door is on a revolute hinge. Unfortunately pulling the cylinder does not open the door. Do I have to explicitly script this or is there a way to let this happen naturally? Dynamics are enabled on all objects involved.

I enclose a video to show what is going on.

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Re: Door Handles/ Door Knobs

Post by coppelia »


it seems your door handle is not correctly attached to the door, or your door is not mobile. Are you sure the joint that attaches the door to the base it dynamically enabled? Can you post your scene, this way it will be a little bit easier to guess what is going wrong.


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Re: Door Handles/ Door Knobs

Post by snakeplissken »

Hi Coppelia thanks for the response

I unfortunately overwrote the previous file when I assumed it wasn't something I could do in V-REP, so I am not sure which of the problems it was.
If there is a demo scene with such a functional door please let me know what its called.

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