V-Rep should publish to the /clock topic

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V-Rep should publish to the /clock topic

Post by ayberkozgur »

I'm using ROS nodes extensively in conjunction with V-Rep as well as real robots. For ROS nodes that depend on a Rate object to spin them, there should exist a /clock topic updated by the simulator (or the clock server that depends on system clock). For now, I am getting by via an auxiliary node that reads the /vrep/info topic and redirects its time info to the /clock topic; since their stream types are not compatible (/clock is of rosgraph_msgs/Clock type while /vrep/info is vrep_common/VRepInfo which contains additional information regarding the simulation), I cannot directly remap them. However, it would be great if V-Rep published directly to the /clock topic.

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Re: V-Rep should publish to the /clock topic

Post by ayberkozgur »

For those who are interested, below is the extremely simple C++ code for the ROS node which performs the remapping from /vrep/info to /clock:

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#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <vrep_common/VrepInfo.h>
#include <rosgraph_msgs/Clock.h>

ros::Publisher clock_publisher;
ros::Subscriber vrep_clock_subscriber;

float sim_time = -1;

void updateJointStates(const vrep_common::VrepInfo::ConstPtr& new_time){
	if(sim_time != new_time->simulationTime.data){
		sim_time = new_time->simulationTime.data;
		rosgraph_msgs::Clock c;
		c.clock.sec = (int)sim_time;
		c.clock.nsec = (int)((sim_time - (int)sim_time)*1000000000);
		sim_time = new_time->simulationTime.data;

int main(int argc, char** argv){
	ros::NodeHandle node_handle;
	vrep_clock_subscriber = node_handle.subscribe("/vrep/info",1,updateJointStates);
	clock_publisher = node_handle.advertise<rosgraph_msgs::Clock>("/clock", 1);
After launching this node, your other nodes will synchronize with the V-Rep simulation clock while using Rate::sleep().

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Re: V-Rep should publish to the /clock topic

Post by rick187 »

This topic is quite old, but this command also works

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rosrun topic_tools transform /vrep/info /clock rosgraph_msgs/Clock 'rospy.Time.from_sec(m.simulationTime.data)' --import rospy
and it can also be included in a launch file with:

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<node name="sim_time" pkg="topic_tools" type="transform" args="/vrep/info /clock rosgraph_msgs/Clock 'rospy.Time.from_sec(m.simulationTime.data)' --import rospy" />


Re: V-Rep should publish to the /clock topic

Post by v01d »

I also agree that vrep should publish simulated time. We also resort to an external node. Moreover, using the new ros interface, it is now necessary to manually publish time from vreps lua script. The problem is that vrep does not expose appropriate functions with sufficient resolution and simulated time thus advances in relatively large steps. Note that ros measures time in seconds and nanoseconds.

Again it would make much more sense to have vrep handle this, which makes sense a simulator.

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Re: V-Rep should publish to the /clock topic

Post by coppelia »

I agree. We'll look into this. Thanks for the inputs!


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Re: V-Rep should publish to the /clock topic

Post by fferri »

Using the new RosInterface plugin, you can publish /clock like any other topic. First set up the publisher (e.g. in sim_childscriptcall_initialization):

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then, whenever you want to publish the current simulation time (for example in sim_childscriptcall_actuation):

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the frequency at which the clock is published depends on the simulation timestep T (it will be f=1/T Hz).
Since numbers are internally stored as double-precision floating point, resolution is not an issue here.

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Re: V-Rep should publish to the /clock topic

Post by makbut »

Hello, I am using gmapping with vrep and it seems there should be a problem with the clock, so I want to make slam_gmapping node to subscribe to the clock topic. How can I do that?

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Re: V-Rep should publish to the /clock topic

Post by fferri »

What have you tried? Which problem have you got?

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Re: V-Rep should publish to the /clock topic

Post by makbut »

Well, I have the base_scan, base_link and odom frames broadcasted by vrep. Then the slam_gmapping node broadcasts the map frame. However, while the tree is well connected, the frame stamps on the frames broadcasted by vrep are having simulation time values and the map frame has ros time values. Thus when I execute the rosrun tf echo_frames base_link map, I get that the one frame is too old. I tried using the sim_time parameter set to true, but nothing changed.

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Re: V-Rep should publish to the /clock topic

Post by fferri »

The parameter name is /use_sim_time, and it must be set to true before other nodes are initialized.

See http://wiki.ros.org/Clock for details.

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