V-REP crashes on Mac OSX 10.14.3 during tutorial

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Posts: 8
Joined: 05 Apr 2019, 10:21

V-REP crashes on Mac OSX 10.14.3 during tutorial

Post by SimonBirrell »


I've done a fresh install of the EDU edition on my MacBook Pro (15-inch 2016) and it crashes every time at the same point in the bubbleRob tutorial at http://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFil ... torial.htm

I've just set 90 on Around Y and Around Z on the Rotation tab for the Cone Sensor (not the orientation tab is it says in the tutorial). See screenshot. I then click to close the dialogue and I get the usual Mac beachball cursor and V-RP crashes.

Here's my usrset.txt:

// Debugging
// =================================================
alwaysShowConsole = true
debugInternalFunctionAccess = true // will also heavily slow down V-REP
debugCApiAccess = true // will also drastically slow down V-REP
debugLuaApiAccess = truee // will also slow down V-REP
sendDebugInformationToFile = true // if true, debug info is sent to debugLog.txt

// Rendering
// =================================================
idleFps = 8
threadedRenderingDuringSimulation = 0 // recommended to keep 0 (-1=disabled, 0=pre-enabled, 1=enabled).
desiredOpenGlMajor = -1 // recommended to keep -1.
desiredOpenGlMinor = -1 // recommended to keep -1.
offscreenContextType = -1 // recommended to keep -1 (-1=default, 0=Qt offscreen, 1=QGLWidget/QOpenGLWidget visible, 2=QGLWidget/QOpenGLWidget invisible).
fboType = -1 // recommended to keep -1 (-1=default, 0=native, 1=QOpenGLFramebufferObject).
forceFboViaExt = false // recommended to keep false.
vboOperation = -1 // recommended to keep -1 (-1=default, 0=always off, 1=on when available).
vboPersistenceInMs = 5000 // recommended to keep 5000.
oglCompatibilityTweak1 = false // recommended to keep false since it causes small memory leaks.
visionSensorsUseGuiThread_windowed = -1 // recommended to keep -1 (-1=default, 0=GUI when not otherwise possible, 1=always GUI).
visionSensorsUseGuiThread_headless = -1 // recommended to keep -1 (-1=default, 0=GUI when not otherwise possible, 1=always GUI).
useGlFinish = false // recommended to keep false. Graphic card dependent.
useGlFinish_visionSensors = false // recommended to keep false. Graphic card dependent.
vsync = 0 // recommended to keep at 0. Graphic card dependent.
debugOpenGl = false
stereoDist = 0 // 0=no stereo, otherwise the intra occular distance (0.0635 for the human eyes).
highResDisplay = -1 // -1=automatic, 0=disabled, 1=enabled.
noEdgesWhenMouseDownInCameraView = false // if true, rendering is faster during mouse/view interaction
noTexturesWhenMouseDownInCameraView = false // if true, rendering is faster during mouse/view interaction
noCustomUisWhenMouseDownInCameraView = true // if true, rendering is faster during mouse/view interaction
hierarchyRefreshCnt = 3

// Visual
// =================================================
renderingSurfaceVShift = 0
renderingSurfaceVResize = 0
displayWorldRef = true
antialiasing = false
displayBoundingBoxeWhenObjectSelected = true
guiFontSize_Win = 11
guiFontSize_Mac = 10
guiFontSize_Linux = 11
allowTransparentDialogs = false
dialogTransparencyFactor = 0.400000006
statusbarInitiallyVisible = true
modelBrowserInitiallyVisible = true
sceneHierarchyInitiallyVisible = true
sceneHierarchyHiddenDuringSimulation = false
scriptEditorFont = // empty=default.
scriptEditorFontSize = -1 // -1=default.
auxConsoleFont = // empty=default
auxConsoleFontSize = -1 // -1=default.
mainScriptColor_background = 190,175,175
mainScriptColor_selection = 128,128,255
mainScriptColor_comment = 0,140,0
mainScriptColor_number = 220,0,220
mainScriptColor_string = 255,255,0
mainScriptColor_character = 255,255,0
mainScriptColor_operator = 0,0,0
mainScriptColor_preprocessor = 0,128,128
mainScriptColor_identifier = 64,64,64
mainScriptColor_word = 0,0,255
mainScriptColor_word2 = 152,0,0
mainScriptColor_word3 = 220,80,20
mainScriptColor_word4 = 152,64,0
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_background = 190,190,190
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_selection = 128,128,255
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_comment = 0,140,0
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_number = 220,0,220
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_string = 255,255,0
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_character = 255,255,0
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_operator = 0,0,0
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_preprocessor = 0,128,128
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_identifier = 64,64,64
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_word = 0,0,255
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_word2 = 152,0,0
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_word3 = 220,80,20
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_word4 = 152,64,0
threadedChildScriptColor_background = 180,190,190
threadedChildScriptColor_selection = 128,128,255
threadedChildScriptColor_comment = 0,140,0
threadedChildScriptColor_number = 220,0,220
threadedChildScriptColor_string = 255,255,0
threadedChildScriptColor_character = 255,255,0
threadedChildScriptColor_operator = 0,0,0
threadedChildScriptColor_preprocessor = 0,128,128
threadedChildScriptColor_identifier = 64,64,64
threadedChildScriptColor_word = 0,0,255
threadedChildScriptColor_word2 = 152,0,0
threadedChildScriptColor_word3 = 220,80,20
threadedChildScriptColor_word4 = 152,64,0
customizationScriptColor_background = 150,150,150
customizationScriptColor_selection = 128,128,255
customizationScriptColor_comment = 0,120,0
customizationScriptColor_number = 220,0,220
customizationScriptColor_string = 205,205,0
customizationScriptColor_character = 205,205,0
customizationScriptColor_operator = 0,0,0
customizationScriptColor_preprocessor = 0,128,128
customizationScriptColor_identifier = 70,70,70
customizationScriptColor_word = 0,0,255
customizationScriptColor_word2 = 152,0,0
customizationScriptColor_word3 = 220,80,20
customizationScriptColor_word4 = 152,64,0

// Directories
// =================================================
defaultDirectoryForScenes = // absolute path, e.g. d:/myScenes (or leave empty for default path)
defaultDirectoryForModels = // absolute path, e.g. d:/myModels (or leave empty for default path)
defaultDirectoryForCadFiles = // absolute path, e.g. d:/myCadFiles (or leave empty for default path)
defaultDirectoryForMiscFiles = // absolute path, e.g. d:/myMiscFiles (or leave empty for default path)
defaultDirectoryForExternalScriptEditor = // absolute path, e.g. d:/myScriptTempFiles (or leave empty for default path)
defaultDirectoryForRemoteApiFiles = // absolute path, e.g. d:/myRemoteApiTransfers (or leave empty for default path)

// Serialization
// =================================================
autoSaveDelay = 2 // in minutes. 0 to disable.
doNotWritePersistentData = false
compressFiles = true
saveApproxNormals = true
packIndices = true
fileDialogs = -1 // recommended to keep -1 (-1=default, 0=native dialogs, 1=Qt dialogs).
bulletSerializationBuffer = 10000000

// Undo/Redo
// =================================================
undoRedoEnabled = true
undoRedoOnlyPartialWithCameras = true
undoRedoLevelCount = 16
undoRedoMaxBufferSize = 80000000
timeInMsForUndoRedoTooLongWarning = 200

// Messaging
// =================================================
doNotShowCrashRecoveryMessage = false
doNotShowUpdateCheckMessage = false
doNotShowSceneSelectionThumbnails = false
doNotShowProgressBars = false
doNotShowAcknowledgmentMessages = false
doNotShowVideoCompressionLibraryLoadError = false
redirectStatusbarMsgToConsoleInHeadlessMode = false

// Compatibility
// =================================================
middleMouseButtonSwitchesModes = false // has only an effect if navigationBackwardCompatibility is true.
navigationBackwardCompatibility = false // recommended to keep false.
colorAdjust_backCompatibility = 1 // recommended to keep 1.0
specificGpuTweak = false
enableOldCalcModuleGuis = false
useAlternateSerialPortRoutines = false
enableOpenGlBasedCustomUiEditor = false
changeScriptCodeForNewApiNotation = 1 // 1=enabled, 0=disabled.
supportOldApiNotation = true
enableOldMillObjects = false
enableOldMirrorObjects = false

// Various
// =================================================
mouseWheelZoomFactor = 1
dynamicActivityRange = 1000
objectTranslationStepSize = 0.0250000004
objectRotationStepSize = 5
processorCoreAffinity = 0 // recommended to keep 0 (-1:os default, 0:all threads on same core, m: affinity mask (bit1=core1, bit2=core2, etc.))
freeServerPortStart = 20000
freeServerPortRange = 2000
abortScriptExecutionButton = 3 // in seconds. Zero to disable.
triCountInOBB = 8
removeIdenticalVertices = true
identicalVerticesTolerance = 9.99999975e-05
removeIdenticalTriangles = true
triangleWindingCheck = true
runCustomizationScripts = true
test1 = false // recommended to keep false.
orderHierarchyAlphabetically = false
macChildDialogType = -1 // -1=default.
useExternalLuaLibrary = false // if true, will call all Lua functions via the v_repLua library ('v_repLua.dll', 'libv_repLua.so' or 'libv_repLua.dylib')
raiseErrorWithApiScriptFunctions = true
additionalLuaPath = // e.g. d:/myLuaRoutines
desktopRecordingIndex = 0
desktopRecordingWidth = -1 // -1=default.

// Floating license / dongle license
// =================================================
floatingLicenseEnabled = false
floatingLicenseServer =
floatingLicensePort = 20249
keepDongleOpen = false

Here's the beginning and end of my debugLog.txt (the whole file is 25Mb):

V-REP PRO EDU 3.6.1. (rev. 2), Qt 5.12.1 (CT) 5.12.1 (RT), MacOS
00000000 <-- (GUI FUNC) App
00002242 --> (GUI FUNC) createMainContainer
00002242 --> (GUI FUNC) CMainContainer
00002242 <-- (GUI FUNC) CMainContainer
00002242 --> (GUI FUNC) initialize
00002242 --> (GUI FUNC) clearBuffer
00002242 <-- (GUI FUNC) clearBuffer
00002250 --> (GUI FUNC) createNewInstance
00002250 --> (GUI FUNC) executeCommandViaUiThread
00002250 --> (GUI FUNC) __executeCommandViaUiThread
00002250 <-- (GUI FUNC) __executeCommandViaUiThread
00002250 <-- (GUI FUNC) executeCommandViaUiThread
00002250 --> (GUI FUNC) CButtonBlockContainer
00002250 --> (GUI FUNC) emptySceneProcedure
00002250 --> (GUI FUNC) loadSystemButtonBlocks
00002250 --> (GUI FUNC) CButtonBlockContainer
00002250 --> (GUI FUNC) emptySceneProcedure
00002250 <-- (GUI FUNC) emptySceneProcedure
00002250 <-- (GUI FUNC) CButtonBlockContainer
00002251 <-- (GUI FUNC) loadSystemButtonBlocks
00002251 <-- (GUI FUNC) emptySceneProcedure
00002251 <-- (GUI FUNC) CButtonBlockContainer
00002260 --> (GUI FUNC) executeCommandViaUiThread
00002260 --> (GUI FUNC) __executeCommandViaUiThread
00002260 <-- (GUI FUNC) __executeCommandViaUiThread
00002260 <-- (GUI FUNC) executeCommandViaUiThread
00002260 <-- (GUI FUNC) createNewInstance
00002260 <-- (GUI FUNC) initialize
00002260 <-- (GUI FUNC) createMainContainer
00002260 --> (GUI FUNC) createNewScene
00002260 --> (GUI FUNC) stopSimulation
00002260 <-- (GUI FUNC) stopSimulation
00002260 --> (GUI FUNC) emptyScene
00002260 --> (GUI FUNC) removeAllScripts
00002260 --> (GUI FUNC) ~CLuaScriptObject
00002260 <-- (GUI FUNC) ~CLuaScriptObject
00002260 <-- (GUI FUNC) removeAllScripts
00002260 --> (GUI FUNC) emptySceneProcedure
00002260 <-- (GUI FUNC) emptySceneProcedure
00002265 <-- (GUI FUNC) emptyScene
00002265 --> (GUI FUNC) loadScene
00002265 --> (GUI FUNC) stopSimulation
00002265 <-- (GUI FUNC) stopSimulation
00002265 --> (GUI FUNC) emptyScene
00002265 --> (GUI FUNC) removeAllScripts
00002265 <-- (GUI FUNC) removeAllScripts
00002265 --> (GUI FUNC) emptySceneProcedure
00002265 <-- (GUI FUNC) emptySceneProcedure
00002270 <-- (GUI FUNC) emptyScene

... snip ...

00164455 <-- (SIM C API) simGetSimulationState_internal
00164455 --> (SIM C API) simGetSimulationState_internal
00164455 <-- (SIM C API) simGetSimulationState_internal
00164455 --> (SIM FUNC) removeDestroyedScripts
00164455 <-- (SIM FUNC) removeDestroyedScripts
00164455 --> (SIM FUNC) showAndHandleEmergencyStopButton
00164455 --> (SIM FUNC) showOrHideEmergencyStop
00164455 --> (SIM FUNC) executeCommandViaUiThread
00164455 --> (GUI FUNC) __executeCommandViaUiThread
00164455 --> (GUI FUNC) showOrHideEmergencyStop
00164455 <-- (GUI FUNC) showOrHideEmergencyStop
00164455 <-- (GUI FUNC) __executeCommandViaUiThread
00164455 <-- (SIM FUNC) executeCommandViaUiThread
00164456 <-- (SIM FUNC) showOrHideEmergencyStop
00164456 <-- (SIM FUNC) showAndHandleEmergencyStopButton
00164456 --> (SIM FUNC) executeMessages
00164514 --> (GUI FUNC) setMouseMode
00164514 --> (GUI FUNC) closeDlg
00164534 <-- (GUI FUNC) closeDlg
00164534 <-- (GUI FUNC) setMouseMode
00164569 --> (SIM FUNC) simThread_prepareToRenderScene
00164569 --> (SIM FUNC) handleTrackingAndHeadAlwaysUp
00164569 <-- (SIM FUNC) handleTrackingAndHeadAlwaysUp
00164569 --> (SIM FUNC) handleTrackingAndHeadAlwaysUp
00164569 <-- (SIM FUNC) handleTrackingAndHeadAlwaysUp
00164569 --> (SIM FUNC) handleTrackingAndHeadAlwaysUp
00164569 <-- (SIM FUNC) handleTrackingAndHeadAlwaysUp
00164569 --> (SIM FUNC) handleTrackingAndHeadAlwaysUp
00164569 <-- (SIM FUNC) handleTrackingAndHeadAlwaysUp
00164569 --> (SIM FUNC) handleTrackingAndHeadAlwaysUp
00164569 <-- (SIM FUNC) handleTrackingAndHeadAlwaysUp
00164569 --> (SIM FUNC) handleTrackingAndHeadAlwaysUp
00164569 <-- (SIM FUNC) handleTrackingAndHeadAlwaysUp
00164569 --> (SIM FUNC) handleTrackingAndHeadAlwaysUp
00164569 <-- (SIM FUNC) handleTrackingAndHeadAlwaysUp
00164569 <-- (SIM FUNC) simThread_prepareToRenderScene
00164569 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164569 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164569 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164569 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164569 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164569 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164570 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164571 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simGetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 <-- (SIM C API) simSetInt32Parameter_internal
00164572 --> (SIM FUNC) requestSceneRender_wait

Any help would be appreciated. I already tried the file access solution
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine *
detailed at viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6046



Site Admin
Posts: 10504
Joined: 14 Dec 2012, 00:25

Re: V-REP crashes on Mac OSX 10.14.3 during tutorial

Post by coppelia »

Thanks Simon,

We'll bring revision 3 out (or release 3.6.1) within 1-2 days. Thanks for mentioning this bug!


Post Reply