getConfigForTipPose sometimes returns a table of nan's instead of a single nil

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Posts: 31
Joined: 13 Feb 2019, 14:02

getConfigForTipPose sometimes returns a table of nan's instead of a single nil

Post by agsdyson »

This is a pretty minor bug as I can work around it, but just thought you may want to know.

If I call sim.getConfigForTipPose(), most of the time if no solution is found it returns nil.

However, sometimes it returns:

I noticed this because I was accidentally setting the joint position to nan and the robot disappeared.


Posts: 31
Joined: 13 Feb 2019, 14:02

Re: getConfigForTipPose sometimes returns a table of nan's instead of a single nil

Post by agsdyson »

This is my workaround code:

Code: Select all

function checkNil(nanArray)    
    if nanArray then
        for i = 1, #nanArray, 1 do                 
            if nanArray[i] == nil or nanArray[i] ~= nanArray[i] then                
                return nil
        return nanArray
    return nil

I just wrap every call with this function. I assume it would be faster to do this in c++ rather than lua though.

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Re: getConfigForTipPose sometimes returns a table of nan's instead of a single nil

Post by coppelia »

Thanks for reporting this. Do you have a minimal example that triggers this bug?


Posts: 31
Joined: 13 Feb 2019, 14:02

Re: getConfigForTipPose sometimes returns a table of nan's instead of a single nil

Post by agsdyson »

Sorry, I don't at the moment. The code is quite complex. I'll see if I can save the robot configuration that causes the bug and write a minimal working example.
I have some deadlines at the moment so it might be a little while before I can provide a minimal example.

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Joined: 13 Feb 2019, 14:02

Re: getConfigForTipPose sometimes returns a table of nan's instead of a single nil

Post by agsdyson »

I have not had time yet to make a minimal example, but I've noticed a case where it commonly happens.

If I create a robot that has only axial joints it seems to happen more frequently.


This would make sense as the solver has no degrees of freedom to work with if the target it not in the axis of the robot arm.

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