Smoothing the path after OMPL motion planning

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Smoothing the path after OMPL motion planning

Post by Maenre »

Hello everyone!

I've used the OMPL motion planning plugin to make AGV path(based on example scene) and it works fine. However, resulted path has sharp corners that I need to round to make working trajectory. I'm pretty sure it's a common task and wanted to know what is general approach for this? Should I smooth the path after it's computation utilizing some interpolation and check for a collision after or maybe there is a way to force OMPL to make it during path planning? ... sp=sharing

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Re: Smoothing the path after OMPL motion planning

Post by fferri »

If you arbitrarily smooth the path, you cannot guarantee anymore that the path is valid.

OMPL supports path smoothing in the PathSimplifier class (e.g.: PathSimplifier::smoothBSpline) which retains path validity, but in order to access this feature you would beed to modify the C++ code of the plugin. See function simplifyPath() in plugin.cpp.

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