Accessing to the shape triangle minimizing distance in the distance calculation module

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Accessing to the shape triangle minimizing distance in the distance calculation module

Post by marcofe »


I would like to use the distance calculation module provided by the simulator. By reading the corresponding sections of the documentation and the related APIs, I see that it is possible to access the minimum distance between two separated shapes.

However, I would like to know if it is possible to retrieve additional information about this computation, such as the shapes triangles achieving that minimum distance returned by the function. As the module directly computes the minimum distance, I assume that there is an internal computation among all the vertexes/edges/triangles of the shape.

Said in a formal way, I would be interested in accessing the argmin of the minimum distance. Is that actually possible?

If not, do you suggest any workaround for this purpose?

Thanks in advance


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Re: Accessing to the shape triangle minimizing distance in the distance calculation module

Post by fferri »

It is not available in the CoppeliaSim regular API.

But it is available in the coppeliaGeometricRoutines library, so you should be able to use that in a CoppeliaSim plugin.

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