CoppeliaSim crashes when connecting with remoteAPI

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CoppeliaSim crashes when connecting with remoteAPI

Post by jkw0701 »


I used to use CoppeliaSim well, but suddenly some error came up with the message :

Lua runtime error: Files/CoppeliaRobotics/CoppeliaSimEdu/lua/sim.lua:263: Argument 1 is not a valid dialog handle
stack traceback:
/C/ in function 'assert' Files/CoppeliaRobotics/CoppeliaSimEdu/lua/sim.lua:263: in function

I trace it in that folder, then I found out the error is related to 'EndDialog'.
I did not edit any Lua dialog in CoppeliaSim.
How can I fix this?

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Re: CoppeliaSim crashes when connecting with remoteAPI

Post by coppelia »


the bug/crash does not seem to be related to the remote API functionality. Can you try to isolate the bug, by providing a very simply scene the causes the crash? Or simple instructions how we can reproduce the crash?
What does the application console say before the crash? What platform are you using?


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