CoppeliaSim crashes opening v-rep scene

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CoppeliaSim crashes opening v-rep scene

Post by lromanini »


I just downloaded and installed the last CoppeliaSim edu version and as soon as I try opening a scene (valid and working on v-rep v3.6.2 on ubuntu 16.04) the software crashes returning on the terminal the following error:

Code: Select all

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::io::bad_format_string> >'
  what():  boost::bad_format_string: format-string is ill-formed
/home/lromanini/CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_0_0/ line 33: 26715 Aborted                 (core dumped) "$dirname/$appname" "${PARAMETERS[@]}"
can you help in figuring out what is wrong?

thank you

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Re: CoppeliaSim crashes opening v-rep scene

Post by coppelia »


would you mind sharing your scene that is crashing at simulation start?


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Joined: 07 Jan 2020, 13:19

Re: CoppeliaSim crashes opening v-rep scene

Post by lromanini »

here the link to the scene.
Many thanks ... ne-U5pLRny

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Re: CoppeliaSim crashes opening v-rep scene

Post by coppelia »

Are you sure the scene crashes upon opening it? Or upon running it? If it is upon running it, you can update the geometric library from here, there was a bug that would cause a crash.


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Re: CoppeliaSim crashes opening v-rep scene

Post by lromanini »

Yes I am sure. I also tried with your suggestion but still I have the problem.
As soon as I try to open the scene I don't have the time to see it displayed that the program crashes.

Can you open the scene that I sent you instead? Is it possible that I have to modify some installation setting?


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Re: CoppeliaSim crashes opening v-rep scene

Post by lyz »

I think it's because of the vision sensor. You can remove the laser and the kinect sensor, then the scene can opened by CoppeliaSim. This is because CoppeliaSim software does not support filter module, which requires writing code to call the simVision function, while Vrep filter module is set in the GUI. The solution is that you can rebuild the kinect and laser model in CoppeliaSim software and copy the lua code directly into it. Hope it helpful to you.

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Re: CoppeliaSim crashes opening v-rep scene

Post by lromanini »

Hi lyz,
thank you so much. Deleting the kinect sensor was enough to open the scene. I think the problem is the filter as you suggested (in fact I didn't need to delete the laser since there is no filter there).

I will try to get the image data without filter as soon as I have time. Thanks again

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Re: CoppeliaSim crashes opening v-rep scene

Post by coppelia »


thanks to all of you. There was indeed a bug for the non-Windows version, and vision sensor filters. This has been corrected. Make sure to download the updated version, V4.0.0.rev3


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Re: CoppeliaSim crashes opening v-rep scene

Post by lyz »

Hi lromanini,
Now, are your kinect depth data display right? What's your email address? I'll send you an email to ask some questions about kinect depth data.

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