Motion Planning - Picking Angle Change

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Joined: 17 Sep 2019, 14:48

Motion Planning - Picking Angle Change

Post by alix »

I have seen MotionPlaningandGrasping.ttt Scene. I am using Jaco with that code. It approaches the target from side . I wanted to know that how can i make it reach the target from the top angle. Like how this baxter is picking :
where and what changing will be required ???
for now my picking angle is same as it picks the glass in the given scene.

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Joined: 09 Sep 2013, 19:28

Re: Motion Planning - Picking Angle Change

Post by fferri »

Change the second argument (localShift) of getShiftedMatrix() to something else (i.e. in lines 429, 447, 507, 527).

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