Measure surface area or volume of an object

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Measure surface area or volume of an object

Post by allen0413 »

Hey guys,

Is there a function or any way to measure the surface area or volume (not size of the bounding box) of an object?
I searched the Object Parameter IDs list but not sure if there's anything can be the solution.
Maybe use a proximity sensor? In that case, how to measure it precisely?


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Re: Measure surface area or volume of an object

Post by fferri »


it doesn't seem CoppeliaSim currently does any of such calculations.

The CGAL library has several Geometric Measure Functions however.
You can start off the simExtSurfaceReconstruction plugin which already uses CGAL, and create methods for the measures you need. Hint: you can get mesh data with simGetShapeViz.

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Re: Measure surface area or volume of an object

Post by coppelia »

Maybe using a vision sensor and evaluating the depth map when looked at the object from several sides, you could maybe achieve good results...?


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