headless bug ?

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headless bug ?

Post by lyz »

Hi coppelia,
Recently, I am using the Headless Mode to load my scene, and I noticed that `sysCall_actuation` functions don't run all the time. Is that the theory? GUI mode is always running.

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Re: headless bug ?

Post by coppelia »

Edit: make sure to first read this topic about headless mode.

Hello Lyz,

no, that is not normal. Can you describe in which situation exactly? Or do you have a minimalistic scene that illustrates this?


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Re: headless bug ?

Post by lyz »

Hi coppelia,
This is my test scene. Normally, when I publish the door_switch True topic, the door opens, and then coppeliaSim publish the door_status is true. This is right in the GUI mode, but in Headless mode it doesn't publish the door status. why?

Code: Select all

rostopic pub /door_switch std_msgs/Bool "data: true"

rostopic echo /door_status
test.ttt: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtF26DukM1J6hAw6r1w ... E?e=kuLAtJ

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Re: headless bug ?

Post by coppelia »

This is because following is causing an error in headless mode:

Code: Select all

i.e. because flymode doesn't make sense in headless mode. Remove that and a few of the lines below, and it should work fine. You can test if in headless mode with:

Code: Select all

In Next release (beta is already available here) you can start CoppeliaSim with -vverbosity argument, and with -vscripterrors it will also print script errors to the console, that will be easier to debug. (currently, you can use variable redirectStatusbarMsgToConsoleInHeadlessMode in file system/usrset.txt for that purpose, but better use the new method with the -v option).

oh.. and your main script looks very strange. It still uses the old way of calling sections. Try to stick to the default main script, or at least use the sysCall_init, etc. -type of functions ;)


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Joined: 07 Mar 2019, 07:34

Re: headless bug ?

Post by lyz »

Hello coppelia,
Many thanks. I comment these statements, then it works. And you've done me a big favor. I've been trying to figure out how to redirect the status log from the GUI to the headless mode terminal to debug programs, but the software has already implemented it.Thank you so much!

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