Hokuyo_URG_04LX_UG01_ROS.ttm slow frequency question

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Hokuyo_URG_04LX_UG01_ROS.ttm slow frequency question

Post by lyz »

Firstly, I discovered Hokuyo_URG_04LX_UG01_ROS.ttm is old code, It could not run directly.
Secondly, I modified this old code to publish laser topic to ROS on CoppeliaSim. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtF26DukM1J6hA04JoY ... W?e=NcmNHA But it slower than simulated by vision_sensor in same scene.(vision_sensor laser: 13Hz , proximity_sensor laser: 7Hz)
How can I speed it up? I want to replace the vision sensors.

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Re: Hokuyo_URG_04LX_UG01_ROS.ttm slow frequency question

Post by coppelia »


yes, you are correct, that model is using the old ROS plugin.
However, that sensor model is using a proximity sensor built on top of a rotating joint. This is oftentimes slower than the other sensor model that uses vision sensors to acquire 3D points. Best would be to modify the sensor model using the vision sensors and adapting it to your needs.


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Re: Hokuyo_URG_04LX_UG01_ROS.ttm slow frequency question

Post by lyz »


Oh, I get it now. Thanks a lot.

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