Difference in simxGetVisionSensorDepthBuffer results between 2 computers

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Difference in simxGetVisionSensorDepthBuffer results between 2 computers

Post by juhel »


I've written this small program :

Code: Select all

from simulation import vrep
import numpy as np

vrep.simxFinish(-1)  # Just in case, close all opened connections
sim_client = vrep.simxStart('', 19997, True, True, 5000, 5)  #
Connect to V-REP on port 19997
sim_ret, cam_handle = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(sim_client,
'Vision_sensor_persp', vrep.simx_opmode_blocking)
sim_ret, resolution, depth_buffer =
vrep.simxGetVisionSensorDepthBuffer(sim_client, cam_handle,
depth_img = np.asarray(depth_buffer)
print("MIN 1 = {}".format(np.min(depth_img)))
print("MAX 1 = {}".format(np.max(depth_img)))
and for the same scene.ttt file, I get 2 slightly different results for the
minimum values (but it's exactly the same for the maximum) if I change the
computer. Both computers run Ubuntu 18.04 and Coppelia Sim EDU V4.1.0
(built Jul 20 2020)

Machine 1 :
MIN 1 = 0.05005599558353424
MAX 1 = 0.11464300006628036

Machine 2 :
MIN 1 = 0.050055839121341705
MAX 1 = 0.11464300006628036

Do you have an explanation for this ?

Best regards,


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Re: Difference in simxGetVisionSensorDepthBuffer results between 2 computers

Post by coppelia »

Hello Philippe,

the only explanation is that you are running one two machines with a different OpenGl version/implementation/GPU. Is that the case?


Posts: 14
Joined: 22 Nov 2020, 23:10

Re: Difference in simxGetVisionSensorDepthBuffer results between 2 computers

Post by juhel »

Yes, you're right because on one computer, I've a NVIDIA GPU 2080 but not on the other one.


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