Exec format error

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Exec format error

Post by lyz »

Hi, I'm trying to run CoppeliaSim on macbookpro m1 macOS Big Sur 11.0.1. But I found the robot operation system(ROS) cannot install successfully on mac. So I install a ubuntu 20.04 virtual machine by parallel desktop. then I unzip the coppeliaSim on ubuntu20.04 vm and run it, but coms up this error: "cannot execute binary file: Exec format error". Have you any ideas to solve it?
I switched to root and ran it again, but it failed.

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Re: Exec format error

Post by coppelia »


are you sure you have installed the correct package? i.e. the one for CoppeliaSim on Ubuntu 20.04?


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Re: Exec format error

Post by lyz »

Yes, I'm sure. version: CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_1_0_Ubuntu20_04.tar.xz. Is it matter with apple m1 chip?

-rw-r--r--@ 1 lyz staff 149M 1 19 11:23 CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_1_0_Ubuntu20_04.tar.xz

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Re: Exec format error

Post by coppelia »

I have no idea... it must be something specific with your VM or your system, never saw that before...


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Re: Exec format error

Post by fferri »

what is the output of running uname -a in a terminal in your VM?

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Re: Exec format error

Post by lyz »

Hi, fferri
This is what is displayed:

Linux ubuntu20 5.8.0-41-generic #46~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 18 17:56:04 UTC 2021 aarch64 aarch 64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

Thanks a lot.

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Re: Exec format error

Post by fferri »

ARM64 (aarch64) architecture is not supported.

You need x86_64 (a.k.a. amd64).

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Re: Exec format error

Post by lyz »

Er... OK, thank you!

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Re: Exec format error

Post by Kraftwerk »

Given that this issue is quite old, is there a solution for the aforementioned problem?
I have the same problem when trying to work with ROS and Coppelia in Ubuntu on a M1-Chip.

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Re: Exec format error

Post by coppelia »


we do not support M1 chips right now. But might in near future on macOS


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