Update scene examples with new functions

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Joined: 01 Dec 2020, 10:19

Update scene examples with new functions

Post by jovan_s »

Hello Coppelia!

This is not precisely a feature request, more of a suggestion. I find your examples in scenes folder very useful. I just have a small remark. You often fix many bugs in new versions of Coppelia and add new functions or deprecate old ones. However, the code in the example scenes still remains the same. I sometimes come across old functions in the code, which are now deprecated, and I can't even find them in the documentation. It would be great if the code is updated with newer versions of the functions.

Best regards,

Related: Workspace visualization

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Re: Update scene examples with new functions

Post by coppelia »

Hello Jovan,

thanks for the suggestion. What version of CoppeliaSim are you using? Since coppeliaSim V4.2.0, all distributed scenes and models are using up-to-date API functions. It is true that this was not always the case in the past.
As to the possibility to update the sample code listed in this forum: this would be a tremendous work to look at all those code snippets and update them. However when we come across obviously old code we try to update it here and there ;)


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