CoppeliaSimEdu(v4.2.0) CHAI3D plugin load success. But the demo "02-V-REP-Pioneer.ttt" is not work

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CoppeliaSimEdu(v4.2.0) CHAI3D plugin load success. But the demo "02-V-REP-Pioneer.ttt" is not work

Post by zhangm365 »

OS : Win 10 (64bit)
compiler: Visual Studio 2019, Release x64.
CoppeliaSimEdu: V4.2.0( rev.5) 64bit
chai3d version:chai3d-3.2.0-multiplatform
Haptic Devices: Geomagic Touch 3D

I compile the CHAI3D source code (chai3d-3.2.0-multiplatform) in VS2019, and copy the compiled files "v_repExtCHAI3D.dll" to CoppeliaSimEdu root folder(C:\Program Files\CoppeliaRobotics\CoppeliaSimEdu),the CHAI3D plugin can load success.

But when load the demo "02-V-REP-Pioneer.ttt" and start simulation, the error is as follows:

[Pioneer_p3dx@childScript:error] [string "Pioneer_p3dx@childScript"]:33: attempt to index a nil value (global 'simCHAI3D')
stack traceback:
[string "Pioneer_p3dx@childScript"]:33: in function 'sim_code_function_to_run'

How to fix it?
Last edited by zhangm365 on 25 Jun 2021, 03:09, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: V-REP (V4.2) CHAI3D plugin load success. But the demo "02-V-REP-Pioneer.ttt" is not work

Post by coppelia »


the v_repExtCHAI3D.dll source code provided with CHAI3D is outdated. Please use the up-to-date source code from this repository.
Also use the demo scene scenes/hapticRobot.ttt and model models/other/Interface to haptic device.ttm from CoppeliaSim's package.


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Re: V-REP (V4.2) CHAI3D plugin load success. But the demo "02-V-REP-Pioneer.ttt" is not work

Post by zhangm365 »

OK, thanks your apply. I have replaced the corresponding file( from ...\chai3d-3.2.0-multiplatform\chai3d-3.2.0\modules\V-REP\src\v_repExtCHAI3D.cpp and v_repExtCHAI3D.h to simExtCHAI3D.cpp and simExtCHAI3D.h) according to your instructions, and pull the [] and [], this is ok ?

However, I can successfully compile the CHAI3D-V-REP-VS2015.sln with VS2019, and copy the generated files(..\chai3d-3.2.0-multiplatform\chai3d-3.2.0\modules\V-REP\bin\win-x64) to folder C:\Program Files\CoppeliaRobotics\CoppeliaSimEdu.
But, the CHAI3D plugin is load failed!


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Re: V-REP (V4.2) CHAI3D plugin load success. But the demo "02-V-REP-Pioneer.ttt" is not work

Post by coppelia »

You are using the newest CoppeliaSimLib source code, the one in development. Please use the source code that corresponds to current release, the one with tag coppeliasim-v4.2.0-rev5 and try again.


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Re: V-REP (V4.2) CHAI3D plugin load success. But the demo "02-V-REP-Pioneer.ttt" is not work

Post by zhangm365 »

How to compile this library? Is there a corresponding document?

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Re: CoppeliaSimEdu(v4.2.0) CHAI3D plugin load success. But the demo "02-V-REP-Pioneer.ttt" is not work

Post by coppelia »

There is a Qt project file:
If you do not have Qt, you can install it. Otherwise you can try to adapt the MSVC project file from your other source: it shouldn't be too complicated, since you only need following source files from CoppeliaSim:
  • programming/simExtCHAI3D/simExtCHAI3D.h
  • programming/include/scriptFunctionData.h
  • programming/include/scriptFunctionDataItem.h
  • programming/include/simLib.h
  • programming/simExtCHAI3D/simExtCHAI3D.cpp
  • programming/common/scriptFunctionData.h
  • programming/common/scriptFunctionDataItem.h
  • programming/common/simLib.h

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Re: CoppeliaSimEdu(v4.2.0) CHAI3D plugin load success. But the demo "02-V-REP-Pioneer.ttt" is not work

Post by coppelia »

Let me see if we have somewhere a haptic device and can try out this... is has been a while...

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Re: CoppeliaSimEdu(v4.2.0) CHAI3D plugin load success. But the demo "02-V-REP-Pioneer.ttt" is not work

Post by coppelia »

Ok, we found one and were able to test. On Windows, we compiled it with Qt, using following:

Code: Select all

QT -= core
QT -= gui


CONFIG += shared

INCLUDEPATH += "../include"

*-msvc* {

win32 {
    DEFINES += M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
    INCLUDEPATH += "e:/chai3d-3.2.0/external/Eigen"
    INCLUDEPATH += "e:/chai3d-3.2.0/external/glew/include"
    INCLUDEPATH += "e:/chai3d-3.2.0/src"
    LIBS += "e:/chai3d-3.2.0/lib/Release/x64/chai3d.lib"
    LIBS += opengl32.lib
    LIBS += glu32.lib
    LIBS += User32.lib
    LIBS += Winmm.lib
    LIBS += Ole32.lib
    LIBS += Shell32.lib

    simExtCHAI3D.h \
    ../include/scriptFunctionData.h \
    ../include/scriptFunctionDataItem.h \

    simExtCHAI3D.cpp \
    ../common/scriptFunctionData.cpp \
    ../common/scriptFunctionDataItem.cpp \
Use above if you wish to compile with vs, by filling the appropriate project parameters.
You can also contact us for the dll.


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Re: CoppeliaSimEdu(v4.2.0) CHAI3D plugin load success. But the demo "02-V-REP-Pioneer.ttt" is not work

Post by zhangm365 »

Thank your introduction!
I've compiled the lib according to your instructions, but there are still the same errors.

The generated library is as follows:


The error is :

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Re: CoppeliaSimEdu(v4.2.0) CHAI3D plugin load success. But the demo "02-V-REP-Pioneer.ttt" is not work

Post by coppelia »

I am sorry, I should have said to make sure the include and common repository's version matches current release. Meaning this version of include and that version of common.


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