CoppeliaSim Edu expired or won't start anymore

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CoppeliaSim Edu expired or won't start anymore

Post by coppelia »

We are continually introducing new features and better, improved ways of doing things in CoppeliaSim. For this reason, it is important to continually update/upgrade to the newest CoppeliaSim version. We thought that the best way of doing this would be to limit the runtime of Edu versions for approximately one year from the release date, but it seems that many users feel frustrated to be forced to move to the newest CoppeliaSim Edu release.

If you want to continue to use CoppeliaSim Edu V4.1.0 past July 2021, then simply add following in the system/usrset.txt file:

Code: Select all

If you want to continue to use CoppeliaSim Edu V4.2.0 past April 2022, then simply add following in the system/usrset.txt file:

Code: Select all

Alternatively, you can also upgrade to a newer CoppeliaSim version, and edit the value of showOldDlgs (in the same file) to true: this will enable old, deprecated dialogs.

Edit: this issue affects only CoppeliaSim V4.1 and V4.2. CoppeliaSim V4.3 and later do not implement this limitation anymore.


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Re: CoppeliaSim Edu expired or won't start anymore

Post by dimsky »

helo, thanks for the solution, but I can't find the usrset.txt folder in the system folder. What should I do ?

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Joined: 09 Jul 2021, 02:57

Re: CoppeliaSim Edu expired or won't start anymore

Post by DesmondQi »

dimsky wrote: 19 Jul 2021, 17:34 helo, thanks for the solution, but I can't find the usrset.txt folder in the system folder. What should I do ?
The system folder is in the installation folder of CoppeliaSim. Mine is C:\Program Files\CoppeliaRobotics\CoppeliaSimEdu\system.

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Re: CoppeliaSim Edu expired or won't start anymore

Post by coppelia »

Did you try to start CoppeliaSim? Normally, if you start and the file does not exist, it will be generated. Then you can modify it. (Starting with CoppeliaSim V4.4 and later, the usrset.txt file might be located elsewhere. Inspect the terminal at start-up, it will print the location of that file)
Otherwise, simply create a new file usrset.txt and paste following into it:

Code: Select all

allowOldEduRelease=7501 // for version 4.1.0
//allowOldEduRelease=7775 // for version 4.2.0

// Debugging
// =================================================
alwaysShowConsole = false
verbosity = default // to override console verbosity setting, use any of: default (do not override), none, errors, warnings, loadinfos, scripterrors, scriptwarnings, msgs, infos, debug, trace, tracelua or traceall
statusbarVerbosity = default // to override statusbar verbosity setting, use any of: default (do not override), none, errors, warnings, loadinfos, scripterrors, scriptwarnings, msgs, infos, debug, trace, tracelua or traceall
logFilter =  // leave empty for no filter. Filter format: txta1&txta2&...&txtaN|txtb1&txtb2&...&txtbN|...
dialogVerbosity = default // to override dialog verbosity setting, use any of: default (do not override), none, errors, warnings, questions or infos
undecoratedStatusbarMessages = false
consoleMsgsToFile = false // if true, console messages are sent to debugLog.txt

// Rendering
// =================================================
idleFps = 8
desiredOpenGlMajor = -1 // recommended to keep -1.
desiredOpenGlMinor = -1 // recommended to keep -1.
offscreenContextType = -1 // recommended to keep -1 (-1=default, 0=Qt offscreen, 1=QGLWidget/QOpenGLWidget visible, 2=QGLWidget/QOpenGLWidget invisible).
fboType = -1 // recommended to keep -1 (-1=default, 0=native, 1=QOpenGLFramebufferObject).
forceFboViaExt = false // recommended to keep false.
vboOperation = -1 // recommended to keep -1 (-1=default, 0=always off, 1=on when available).
vboPersistenceInMs = 5000 // recommended to keep 5000.
oglCompatibilityTweak1 = false // recommended to keep false since it causes small memory leaks.
visionSensorsUseGuiThread_windowed = -1 // recommended to keep -1 (-1=default, 0=GUI when not otherwise possible, 1=always GUI).
visionSensorsUseGuiThread_headless = -1 // recommended to keep -1 (-1=default, 0=GUI when not otherwise possible, 1=always GUI).
useGlFinish = false // recommended to keep false. Graphic card dependent.
useGlFinish_visionSensors = false // recommended to keep false. Graphic card dependent.
vsync = 0 // recommended to keep at 0. Graphic card dependent.
debugOpenGl = false
stereoDist = 0 // 0=no stereo, otherwise the intra occular distance (0.0635 for the human eyes).
highResDisplay = -1 // -1=automatic, 0=disabled, 1=enabled.
noEdgesWhenMouseDownInCameraView = false // if true, rendering is faster during mouse/view interaction
noTexturesWhenMouseDownInCameraView = false // if true, rendering is faster during mouse/view interaction
noCustomUisWhenMouseDownInCameraView = true // if true, rendering is faster during mouse/view interaction
hierarchyRefreshCnt = 3

// Visual
// =================================================
darkMode = false
renderingSurfaceVShift = 0
renderingSurfaceVResize = 0
displayWorldRef = true
antialiasing = false
displayBoundingBoxeWhenObjectSelected = true
guiFontSize_Win = 13 // -1=default
guiFontSize_Mac = -1 // -1=default
guiFontSize_Linux = 13 // -1=default
statusbarInitiallyVisible = true
modelBrowserInitiallyVisible = true
sceneHierarchyInitiallyVisible = true
sceneHierarchyHiddenDuringSimulation = false
scriptEditorFont =  // empty=default.
scriptEditorFontSize = -1 // -1=default.
auxConsoleFont =  // empty=default
auxConsoleFontSize = -1 // -1=default.
mainScriptColor_background = 190,175,175
mainScriptColor_selection = 128,128,255
mainScriptColor_comment = 0,140,0
mainScriptColor_number = 220,0,220
mainScriptColor_string = 255,255,0
mainScriptColor_character = 255,255,0
mainScriptColor_operator = 0,0,0
mainScriptColor_preprocessor = 0,128,128
mainScriptColor_identifier = 64,64,64
mainScriptColor_word = 0,0,255
mainScriptColor_word2 = 152,0,0
mainScriptColor_word3 = 220,80,20
mainScriptColor_word4 = 152,64,0
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_background = 190,190,190
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_selection = 128,128,255
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_comment = 0,140,0
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_number = 220,0,220
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_string = 255,255,0
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_character = 255,255,0
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_operator = 0,0,0
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_preprocessor = 0,128,128
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_identifier = 64,64,64
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_word = 0,0,255
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_word2 = 152,0,0
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_word3 = 220,80,20
nonThreadedChildScriptColor_word4 = 152,64,0
threadedChildScriptColor_background = 180,190,190
threadedChildScriptColor_selection = 128,128,255
threadedChildScriptColor_comment = 0,140,0
threadedChildScriptColor_number = 220,0,220
threadedChildScriptColor_string = 255,255,0
threadedChildScriptColor_character = 255,255,0
threadedChildScriptColor_operator = 0,0,0
threadedChildScriptColor_preprocessor = 0,128,128
threadedChildScriptColor_identifier = 64,64,64
threadedChildScriptColor_word = 0,0,255
threadedChildScriptColor_word2 = 152,0,0
threadedChildScriptColor_word3 = 220,80,20
threadedChildScriptColor_word4 = 152,64,0
customizationScriptColor_background = 150,150,150
customizationScriptColor_selection = 128,128,255
customizationScriptColor_comment = 0,120,0
customizationScriptColor_number = 220,0,220
customizationScriptColor_string = 205,205,0
customizationScriptColor_character = 205,205,0
customizationScriptColor_operator = 0,0,0
customizationScriptColor_preprocessor = 0,128,128
customizationScriptColor_identifier = 70,70,70
customizationScriptColor_word = 0,0,255
customizationScriptColor_word2 = 152,0,0
customizationScriptColor_word3 = 220,80,20
customizationScriptColor_word4 = 152,64,0

// Directories
// =================================================
defaultDirectoryForScenes =  // absolute path, e.g. d:/myScenes (or leave empty for default path)
defaultDirectoryForModels =  // absolute path, e.g. d:/myModels (or leave empty for default path)
defaultDirectoryForCadFiles =  // absolute path, e.g. d:/myCadFiles (or leave empty for default path)
defaultDirectoryForMiscFiles =  // absolute path, e.g. d:/myMiscFiles (or leave empty for default path)
defaultDirectoryForExternalScriptEditor =  // absolute path, e.g. d:/myScriptTempFiles (or leave empty for default path)
defaultDirectoryForRemoteApiFiles =  // absolute path, e.g. d:/myRemoteApiTransfers (or leave empty for default path)

// Serialization
// =================================================
autoSaveDelay = 2 // in minutes. 0 to disable.
doNotWritePersistentData = false
compressFiles = true
saveApproxNormals = true
packIndices = true
fileDialogs = -1 // recommended to keep -1 (-1=default, 0=native dialogs, 1=Qt dialogs).
bulletSerializationBuffer = 10000000

// Undo/Redo
// =================================================
undoRedoEnabled = true
undoRedoOnlyPartialWithCameras = true
undoRedoLevelCount = 16
undoRedoMaxBufferSize = 80000000
timeInMsForUndoRedoTooLongWarning = 200

// Messaging
// =================================================
doNotShowCrashRecoveryMessage = false
doNotShowUpdateCheckMessage = false
doNotShowProgressBars = false
doNotShowAcknowledgmentMessages = false
doNotShowVideoCompressionLibraryLoadError = false
suppressStartupDialogs = false
suppressXmlOverwriteMsg = false

// Compatibility
// =================================================
middleMouseButtonSwitchesModes = false // has only an effect if navigationBackwardCompatibility is true.
navigationBackwardCompatibility = false // recommended to keep false.
colorAdjust_backCompatibility = 1 // recommended to keep 1.0
specificGpuTweak = false
useAlternateSerialPortRoutines = false
disableOpenGlBasedCustomUi = false
changeScriptCodeForNewApiNotation = 1 // 1=enabled, 0=disabled.
supportOldApiNotation = true
enableOldMirrorObjects = false
useOldIk = false

// Various
// =================================================
mouseWheelZoomFactor = 1
dynamicActivityRange = 1000
objectTranslationStepSize = 0.0250000004
objectRotationStepSize = 5
processorCoreAffinity = 0 // recommended to keep 0 (-1:os default, 0:all threads on same core, m: affinity mask (bit1=core1, bit2=core2, etc.))
freeServerPortStart = 20000
freeServerPortRange = 2000
abortScriptExecutionButton = 3 // in seconds. Zero to disable.
triCountInOBB = 8
removeIdenticalVertices = true
identicalVerticesTolerance = 9.99999975e-05
removeIdenticalTriangles = true
triangleWindingCheck = true
runCustomizationScripts = true
test1 = false // recommended to keep false.
orderHierarchyAlphabetically = false
macChildDialogType = -1 // -1=default.
useExternalLuaLibrary = false // if true, will call all Lua functions via the simLua library ('simLua.dll', '' or 'libsimLua.dylib')
additionalLuaPath =  // e.g. d:/myLuaRoutines
desktopRecordingIndex = 0
desktopRecordingWidth = -1 // -1=default.
externalScriptEditor = 
xmlExportSplitSize = 0 // 0=generate a single file.
xmlExportKnownFormats = true // true=if several files are generated, mesh and image files are saved under known formats.

// Floating license / dongle license
// =================================================
floatingLicenseEnabled = false
floatingLicenseServer =
floatingLicensePort = 20249
keepDongleOpen = false

Posts: 2
Joined: 21 Jul 2021, 09:04

Re: CoppeliaSim Edu expired or won't start anymore

Post by gsbandy24 »

I have included this and now am getting "Error: signal 11:" for when i try to open coppelia v4.1

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Posts: 10504
Joined: 14 Dec 2012, 00:25

Re: CoppeliaSim Edu expired or won't start anymore

Post by coppelia »

Can you confirm that CoppeliaSim V4.1.0 was running fine until last week?


Posts: 9
Joined: 07 Jun 2020, 12:19

Re: CoppeliaSim Edu expired or won't start anymore

Post by Ark27 »

I am experiencing the same issue after modifying the usrset.txt.

Using version 4.2.0.

Simulation shuts-off after some time.

Its really hard to work or test some simulation model. Please provide some updates or solutions to fix this.


Site Admin
Posts: 10504
Joined: 14 Dec 2012, 00:25

Re: CoppeliaSim Edu expired or won't start anymore

Post by coppelia »


this is not related to the same issue. CoppeliaSim V4.2.0 doesn't yet have this issue.

Can you please specify which platform you are using, and what the console says when CoppeliaSim crashes?


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