IK Solver failing

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IK Solver failing

Post by r_dhak »


So I have a custom manipulator. And I am trying to make the end-effector follow a defined path using Inverse Kinematics.

However the Ik solver is failing from the start, the end-effector is following the path however the end-effector is just lagging behind the target continuously.

Also I noticed when I used the simulation steppe,r that the first step is a sudden jump in the end-effector position.

I am just using the IK implementation from one of the examples of CoppeliaSim.
I tried keeping all the revolute joins cyclic as well (instead of defining a range), but in both cases the Ik solver fails.

I am attaching the scene https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ah8Cgzv3fsXqni2VJj5 ... b?e=B0uI9G

Thank You.

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Re: IK Solver failing

Post by coppelia »


actually the IK solver appears to be successful. Except for the error message. The reason is that your manipulator doesn't have the ability to place the end-effector in position and orientation (it is lacking additional degrees of freedom), you have however specified simIK.constraint_pose instead of simIK.constraint_position for the constraints.


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Re: IK Solver failing

Post by r_dhak »

Yes that was the mistake that I only wanted a 3DOF but was giving 6DOF as constraint.
Thank you. That solved the warning problem.

However whats with the lagging?
When the simulation time-step is higher the lag is more, which is understandable i.e. the pseusoinverse approximation is not accurate. Still in order to keep the lag negligible I have to set the simulation time-step to 1ms. Any suggestion to resolve it?

Also the sudden jump after 1st step.
The path following should start from path control point 0, which is where i am keeping my end-effector as the initial state. So there should not be any problem.

Could you check it with the simulation stepper and in the 1st step you will notice the jump.

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Re: IK Solver failing

Post by coppelia »

this is because your manipulator is dynamically enabled, and each joint has a motor with controller: those can only accelerate with the given force/torque. To verify, simply set the whole manipulator model as Model is not dynamic in the model dialog and you'll see the difference.


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