Smooth movement of arm to target position

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Smooth movement of arm to target position

Post by ashtea »

I'm trying to make a robotic arm move an object from a fixed position to another coordinate in the plane. This I tried by using a manipulator but the arm moves to the destination with a surprisingly high speed. Is there a way to make the movement slow and smooth with constricted yet adequate velocity?

Also if I were to try another method of setting each joint position such that the arm eventually aligns at the destination how should I go about it? How to convert a coordinate in plane into joint positions required to reach it?

Thank you for your time

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Re: Smooth movement of arm to target position

Post by shreyas7738 »

You can change the Upper velocity limit in the dynamic properties of joint.By default it is set to 3600 deg/sec which is verh high.You can change this to your desired speed.

" setting each joint position such that the arm eventually aligns at the destination" is inverse kinematics.If your arm is simple you can use geometric approach to get the desired angles by knowing the co-ordinates of end-effector.V-Rep also has built in IK solver and its tutorial is available onits website.

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Re: Smooth movement of arm to target position

Post by coppelia »

If you ignore the dynamic aspect of a manipulator, you can achieve smooth movement via the RML or Ruckig API functions. See also the demo scenes in scenes/trajectoryAndMotion/.

If your manipulator is dynamically enabled, you can use the exact same approach, but you will have to make sure that each joint controller is able to follow the desired joint angles, i.e. if your joint is in position control, make sure your upper velocity limit and max. force/torque are appropriate.


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