ZeroMQ Remote API Environment Setup.

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ZeroMQ Remote API Environment Setup.

Post by polender »

Hello Everyone,

I've been working on setting up an environment using the ZeroMQ Remote API and had a few questions.

1. There is a note stating that the API runs on v4.2.0 will it run on the current up-to-date version of 4.3.0 as well?

2. Following the set-up procedures, for the compatibility add-on and "that script" listed in the yellow note box, these files are supposed to be placed in the CopelliaSim/ and CopelliaSim/Lua/ folders respectively, however, I don't have this directory, however, the only one that matches the structure is the MacOs directory.

3. For the aforementioned files listed at the following links, what file extensions are these to be saved as within the directory?

Compatability Add on: ... %20API.lua
"That script":

Thanks again for your help!

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Re: ZeroMQ Remote API Environment Setup.

Post by coppelia »


yes, the ZeroMQ remote API is of course also supported in CoppeliaSim V4.3. So by installing it, it should work out of the box, no need for those additional files required in V4.2 (well, they should already be in place).

But with your CoppeliaSim V4.2 on macOS installation, you should place the add-on in and the other file in Both have the *.lua extension.


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