How to run multiple instances in newest version of CoppeliaSim

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How to run multiple instances in newest version of CoppeliaSim

Post by r_dhak »

So I am doing some learning tasks for a manipulator. However the simulation normally take several hours with the parameters I need (e.g. no. of steps, no. of episodes, etc.).

So I would like to run several simulations in parallel so that I could try different hyperparameters parallely.
I read about questions on similar topics, however I would like to have a general answer to it (Sorry for that).

System Specifications:
  • OS - Ubuntu 20.04
  • CPU - Intel i7-11700KF (3.6 Ghz), 16 Cores
  • GPU - Nvidia RTX 3060
  • CoppeliaSim ver 4.3.0 (rev0)
I am using the ZMQ remote api.

So I would like to know the answers for following queestions:
  • How to run multiple instances, which are independent of each other (changing the port number?, which is 23000 by default for ZMQ)

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

class RemoteAPIClient:
    """Client to connect to CoppeliaSim's ZMQ Remote API."""

    def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=23000, cntport=None, *, verbose=None):
  • How can I assign separate cores for individual simulation instances
  • I want to run the same script (with different parameters) on same the Scene (but multiple), do I have to create separate project files for all of them?
I am looking for a general answer on how to achieve this.

Thank You.

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Re: How to run multiple instances in newest version of CoppeliaSim

Post by coppelia »


to run several instances of CoppeliaSim, then indeed, you will have to make sure that each instance runs its ZeroMQ remote API server on a different port. You can do this via command-line and named parameters, e.g.:

Code: Select all -GzmqRemoteApi.rpcPort=23002
There are actually two ports needed, there is also zmqRemoteApi.cntPort which by default is zmqRemoteApi.rpcPort+1


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Re: How to run multiple instances in newest version of CoppeliaSim

Post by r_dhak »

I gave it a try, the first instance starts properly.
However for the second instance, in the CoppeliaSim Lua console it says

Code: Select all

[WebSocket remote API server@addOnScript:error] 113: in simWS.start@simExtWS: Address already in use
    stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'simWS-typecheck.start'
        [string "WebSocket remote API server@addOnScript"]:113: in function 'sysCall_init'
the first instance I ran with -GzmqRemoteApi.rpcPort=23002

and for the second one, -GzmqRemoteApi.rpcPort=23004

as you said the second port takes port+1

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Re: How to run multiple instances in newest version of CoppeliaSim

Post by coppelia »

For the websocket add-on, you will have to do something similar, with the named parameter wsRemoteApi, e.g.:

Code: Select all -GzmqRemoteApi.rpcPort=23002 -GwsRemoteApi.port=23051
But the websocket add-on is probably not needed in your case.


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Re: How to run multiple instances in newest version of CoppeliaSim

Post by r_dhak »

So I just ignored the Websocket warning and went on running the simulation.
I copied the complete CoppeliaSim folder as well as my project folder.

In the CoppeliaSim folder (/CoppeliaSim/programming/zmqRemoteApi/clients/python/zmqRemoteApi/
I changed the port number, and used the same port to connect to to Python client.

[ ]

Code: Select all

 class RemoteAPIClient:
    """Client to connect to CoppeliaSim's ZMQ Remote API."""

    def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=23010, cntport=None, *, verbose=None):
[Python client connection]

Code: Select all

client = RemoteAPIClient('localhost',23010)
And for the second one (from the second directory in terminal I just run) -GzmqRemoteApi.rpcPort=23000
I did the same and just changed the port number at both the places and also in the running from terminal command.

I believe this is the right way to do it.

Result: Both the simulation seems to be running properly also saving results properly.

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Re: How to run multiple instances in newest version of CoppeliaSim

Post by coppelia »

you should also be able to run several instances from the same folder. Check additional possible settings in system/usrset.txt.


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Re: How to run multiple instances in newest version of CoppeliaSim

Post by r_dhak »

Thank you for the information.

I was successful running my simulations in parallel.
However I could only run 5 instances.

When I try to run more instances in parallel, I get "RuntimeError: CUDA error: out of memory".

So I was wondering if it is possible to run CoppeliaSim on GPU (for rendering, as I suspect its only the rendering which might be using all the memory).

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Re: How to run multiple instances in newest version of CoppeliaSim

Post by coppelia »

CoppeliaSim renders via GPU, it would be super slow otherwise. You can run CoppeliaSim in headless mode (switch -h), which should reduce GPU usage, and running several CoppeliaSim instances not in headless mode rarely makes sense.
If you do not use/need vision sensors, then you can also run in true headless mode by using the true headless library simply rename it to Then could still connect to individual instances via the visualization stream add-on, and connect via a browser to the CoppeliaSim instance.


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Re: How to run multiple instances in newest version of CoppeliaSim

Post by marcofe »


I take up this topic to raise a question similar to the one that was originally posted.

I would also like to run multiple parallel ZMQ communications, but using one single CoppeliaSim simulation instance. With the legacy remote APIs, I used to do this by opening multiple ports in the remoteApiConnections.txt file of the CoppeliaSim root folder, and instantiating then a consistent number of clients in my application with the corresponding ports.

I would like to know if it is possible to do the same with ZMQ, i.e., I would run multiple servers from a single instance of CoppeliaSim, and then instantiate multiple clients in my code. The idea is to control multiple robotic arms and dedicate a given client-server channel for each of them (each arm is likely controlled by different teleoperated devices, whose control loops should be kept independent from each other).

Is there a way to set this type of configuration with ZMQ?



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Re: How to run multiple instances in newest version of CoppeliaSim

Post by coppelia »

Hello Marco,

have a look at the demo Python script in programming/zmqRemoteApi/clients/python/ in there, 4 distinct connections to CoppeliaSim are created (one from the main thread, and 3 from auxiliary threads). For CoppeliaSim those are like 4 individual clients that connect to it.


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