fast Hokuyo laser scan data with ROS

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Re: fast Hokuyo laser scan data with ROS

Post by coppelia »

Btw, that model is included in the newest CoppeliaSim V4.3


Hrithik Verma
Posts: 22
Joined: 07 Sep 2020, 21:20

Re: fast Hokuyo laser scan data with ROS

Post by Hrithik Verma »

Thanks for sharing the model.

Is there a way to change scan angle to 180 degree like we can do with fastHokuyo script by just changing scanningAngle.
I means, I need lazer to only scan 180 to -180 degree not 120 to -120 degree.

If possible please make script such that it scan angle can be changed.

Thanks in advance

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Re: fast Hokuyo laser scan data with ROS

Post by coppelia »

Select sensor1 and in the vision sensor dialog, adjust the view angle from 120 to 90 degrees. Do the same with sensor2.

Then select sensor1 and rotate it by 15 degrees around its own Y axis. Then select sensor2 and rotate it by -15 degrees around its Y axis.

Finally, you can adjust the number of sampled points in each of the sensor's child script (i.e. modify 342)


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