CoppeliaSim: crash opening V-REP scene

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CoppeliaSim: crash opening V-REP scene

Post by TyPh00n »

Hi, I'm trying to run the code to a paper.

It includes an older V-REP scene NICO-seated.ttt which cannot be opened in any CoppeliaSim Edu version v4.0.0-v4.3.0 on Ubuntu 22.04 or Windows 10. CoppeliaSim simply crashes upon opening the scene.

The only way to open it is to downgrade to the last V-REP version available from your website, V-REP v3.6.2. With that it opens fine on either Ubuntu 22.04 and Windows 10.

Can this be fixed or is it intentional? I was under the impression that CoppeliaSim was supposed to be backwards compatible to V-REP.

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Re: CoppeliaSim: crash opening V-REP scene

Post by coppelia »


I think your problem is linked with an old bug. Open the file again in the old version (we couldn't open it in V3.6.2, it also crashed), then go to the environment dialog and uncheck Save operation also saves existing calculation structures, then save it again. You should be able to open it in current CoppeliaSim version.
The scene is however old and uses a lot of deprecated concepts.


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Re: CoppeliaSim: crash opening V-REP scene

Post by TyPh00n »

go to the environment dialog and uncheck Save operation also saves existing calculation structures, then save it again
That worked, thank you so much!

So, Save operation also saves existing calculation structures used to be enabled by default in V-REP v3.6.2 and now seems to be disabled by default in CoppeliaSim v4.x? The user manual doesn't give any indication whether this is still a recommended setting in CoppeliaSim v4.x or could potentially be problematic in future updates. I.e. for full comparability should I re-save the scene in CoppeliaSim v4.3.0 with the setting enabled after successfully opening it?

The scene is however old and uses a lot of deprecated concepts.
Is comparability between the simulations in older V-REP versions and CoppeliaSim guaranteed (given the same dynamics engine) in light of this?

Do you have a short overview or list of the deprecated concepts and their respective replacements? I could pass it along to the paper's authors since I'm somewhat associated with their research group.

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Re: CoppeliaSim: crash opening V-REP scene

Post by coppelia »

The option Save operation also saves existing calculation structures had a bug when larger parts of CoppeliaSim were rewritten. Once you have successfully loaded the scene in the most recent version of CoppeliaSim, you should be able to safely enable that option again, and save the scene. That option is only useful to speed-up initial calculations for collision detection, distance calculation and proximity sensor simulations (but is practically nevery really needed to be on). So in doubt, keep it off.

There are several main changes to keep in mind (even if deprecated items are/should still be operational):
  • collections should now be dynamically created (in the past, you had to create them through the GUI)
  • collision and distance objects objects created through the GUI are replaced by simply calling sim.checkCollision, sim.checkDistance
  • IK tasks should now by dynamically created (in the past, you had to create them through the GUI)
  • Threaded scripts should now all use coroutines
  • Scripts should use callback routines now, and should only contain functions, e.g.:
instead of:

Code: Select all

if (sim_call_type==sim_childscriptcall_initialization) then
    -- do some initialization here

Code: Select all

function sysCall_init()
    -- do some initialization here

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Re: CoppeliaSim: crash opening V-REP scene

Post by TyPh00n »

Your timely and thorough help and support are much appreciated! Thank your very much.

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