Multiple solutions of IK inverse kinematics

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Multiple solutions of IK inverse kinematics

Post by Wang »

IK inverse kinematics programming sometimes has multiple solutions. Now there is a piece of collected posture data of the robot arm. I hope to use the IK inverse kinematics planning provided by vrep to recover the motion trajectory of the whole robot arm according to the change of the position of the end effector of the robot arm. If there are multiple IK solutions, how can I view the paths corresponding to each solution and select a path that meets my requirements? (At present, the system will automatically help me to choose a path. If this path is not what I want, how should I operate it)
Thank you for your help

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Re: Multiple solutions of IK inverse kinematics

Post by coppelia »


the IK module in CoppeliaSim will compute IK based on the Jacobian, i.e. linearize around the current configuration, in order to find the desired new configuration that corresponds to a given end-effector pose. In that sense, you can only influence which solution will be selected by changing the initial configuration (e.g. in case of a redundant manipulator, or in case of a elbow up/down situation). So you will have to handle those things yourself.

Additionally, you can search for a specific IK configuration via the function simIK.findConfig : that will generate random configurations, and try to reach a target pose from there.


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