VREP4.2 toggle path edit

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VREP4.2 toggle path edit

Post by Wang »

In Vrep4.2, toggle path edit button cannot be pressed. How to solve it?
In addition, I want the end effector of ur manipulator to follow the path I draw. How to set it in version 4.2. I followed the online tutorial to the edit path. The button is gray, I can't continue.
Thank you for your help

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Re: VREP4.2 toggle path edit

Post by coppelia »


the old path edit mode is not supported anymore. You will have to use the new path objects. Have a look at the demo scene scenes/movingAlongAPath.ttt for an example on how to follow a path.


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Re: VREP4.2 toggle path edit

Post by Wang »

Thank you for your answer. I tried, but I always reported an error string“ Dummy@childScript "]: 2: attemptto call a nil value (field 'getObject'). It seems that getObject is not supported

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Re: VREP4.2 toggle path edit

Post by coppelia »

This is because you are using an older version of CoppeliaSim and sim.getObject is only supported starting with CoppeliaSim V4.3 onward. Either switch to CoppeliaSim V4.3 (V4.4. out within 2 weeks), and we highly recommend always staying up-to-date, or use the demo scenes from CoppeliaSim V4.2


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