Its really exciting that coppeliasim now supports soft bodies.
However I think the new Mujoco inclusion lacks some explanation and tutorials.
I am just playing around with it at the moment.
I am trying to make a simulation like shown in the image below, where the anchors (which can be seen as pulleys) provides cable lengths as control inputs to manipulate the position of the attached object. ... sp=sharing
Not sure if it is possible with coppeliasim at the moment to get the the cable sag information. It is shown how a rope behaves dynamically in the Mujocospecific tutorial, but I would like to know if any quantitative information can be obtained about the sag and dynamic behavior.
I think the actuated tendon should be combined with the rope to make the rope actuation, not sure if it is possible though.
Any help, suggestion or advice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.