Controls the direction of the end actuator

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Controls the direction of the end actuator

Post by Wang »

I use the mechanical arm to grab the object from point A to point B. The direction of point A is exactly the same as that of point B. At point A, the direction of the manipulator is completely vertical downward. In the process of A-B, the manipulator does not go vertically downward, but inclines. How can I keep the direction of the manipulator always vertical and downward? Or is there any way to automatically convert the graph to the path, and ensure that the direction of the manipulator does not change by setting multiple path points and directions in the path.
Thank you

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Re: Controls the direction of the end actuator

Post by Fery64 »

I think you need to interpolate to Q matrices considering certain Pose for the end effector on the trajectory

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Re: Controls the direction of the end actuator

Post by coppelia »

How are you generating the robot motion? Do you use IK, or path planning?


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