I cannot get the inverse kinematics mode for the joints in my coppelia sim scene

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I cannot get the inverse kinematics mode for the joints in my coppelia sim scene

Post by MauHernandez »

Hello, I'm Mauricio.

I knew about the existance of Inverse Kinematics inside the simulation
space, but I was never able to make it work because the option in the
Dummys to link them as inverse kinematics and also the option of setting
the joint to Inverse kinematic mode doesn't appear in my simulation
environment. Had accepted that maybe the feature was removed or that maybe
it wasn't available anymore until I downloaded a scene from the internet in
which the Franka Emika Panda robot's joints all had the inverse kinematics
mode on and the end effector followed the end effector's dummy. So, I want
to ask, why is this happening? I tried adding a new joint to that scene
(the one that has the other joints as inverse kinematics) and it still
doesn´t let me add new joints with the inverse kinematics mode unless I copy
and paste the joints that have it already in the simulation. What do I need to do in order to be
able to make inverse kinematics sims in my environment? Coppeliasim is
updated and have tried in 3 different PC's (all windows) and in none of
them I get this option. Do I need to add a script? Is it a windows problem?

Thank you for your time.

Mauricio Hernández

Posts: 1297
Joined: 09 Sep 2013, 19:28

Re: I cannot get the inverse kinematics mode for the joints in my coppelia sim scene

Post by fferri »

That feature has been recently changed.

Now IK can work with any joint mode.

Also IK is not set up via user interface, but inside scripts, which should give you more flexibility about creating complex IK tasks.

Have a look at the Inverse Kinematics tutorial.

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