Script window not showing code correctly

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Posts: 22
Joined: 20 Nov 2013, 18:30

Script window not showing code correctly

Post by Klaus »


I've upgraded to V-REP PRO EDU V3.0.5c for Linux and noticed a problem when opening scripts.
Inside the script window, the text is all superimposed and can't be read.
Here is a screenshot:

My current OS is XUBUNTU 13.10



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Re: Script window not showing code correctly

Post by coppelia »

Hello Klaus,

this is unfortunate. Since your previous V-REP release was not showing this bug, and since Ubuntu is working fine in general, it is very probably an incompatibility between XUBUNTU 13.10 and QScintilla for Qt5.

QScintilla for Qt5 also gave some strange artifacts in the script window under MacOS, but changing the font solved the problem.
You can try playing with scriptEditorFont and scriptEditorFontSize variables in the file system/usrset.txt to see if that gives better results. Maybe:

Code: Select all

scriptEditorFont =  Courier
since Courier New is the default and is not working for you.

Otherwise you can always use an external editor. Have a look into variables useExternalScriptEditor and externalScriptEditor in the same file as mentioned above.


Posts: 22
Joined: 20 Nov 2013, 18:30

Re: Script window not showing code correctly

Post by Klaus »

Changing scriptEditorFont to Courier worked for me. :)



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