Bug while using python coppeliasim_zmqremoteapi_client library

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Bug while using python coppeliasim_zmqremoteapi_client library

Post by Horizon »

I'm connecting my external python controller with the coppeliasim using zmq remote api in ubuntu22.
My simple code is show below:

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from coppeliasim_zmqremoteapi_client import RemoteAPIClient

client = RemoteAPIClient()
sim = client.require('sim')
Faceing this problem:

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KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 2
      1 client = RemoteAPIClient()
----> 2 sim = client.require('sim')
      3 sim.setStepping(True)

File ~/anaconda3/envs/IBVS_VIC/lib/python3.8/site-packages/coppeliasim_zmqremoteapi_client/__init__.py:176, in RemoteAPIClient.require(self, name)
    174     ret = self.requiredItems[name]
    175 else:
--> 176     self.call('zmqRemoteApi.require', [name])
    177     ret = self.getObject(name)
    178 return ret

File ~/anaconda3/envs/IBVS_VIC/lib/python3.8/site-packages/coppeliasim_zmqremoteapi_client/__init__.py:150, in RemoteAPIClient.call(self, func, args)
    148 if 'err' in reply:
    149     raise Exception(reply.get('err'))  # __EXCEPTION__
--> 150 return self._process_response(reply)

File ~/anaconda3/envs/IBVS_VIC/lib/python3.8/site-packages/coppeliasim_zmqremoteapi_client/__init__.py:115, in RemoteAPIClient._process_response(self, resp)
    114 def _process_response(self, resp):
--> 115     ret = resp['ret']
    116     if len(ret) == 1:
    117         return ret[0]

KeyError: 'ret'
In the same time I have try the same code in Windows and Macos, it's right.
How can I do? Thanks for a lot!!!

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Re: Bug while using python coppeliasim_zmqremoteapi_client library

Post by coppelia »

What version and what revision of coppeliaSim are you running? If not the latest, try to upgrade to the latest.

Also, once you have the latest version, make sure to upgrade the pip package too, e.g.:

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pip install --upgrade coppeliasim_zmqremoteapi_client

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Joined: 15 Nov 2023, 08:27

Re: Bug while using python coppeliasim_zmqremoteapi_client library

Post by Horizon »

I upgrade my coppeliasim to version 4.6.0 and that's alright now!
Thank you for your help!!!

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