Pb of refresh through remote connexion

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Joined: 22 Nov 2020, 23:10

Pb of refresh through remote connexion

Post by juhel »


On Ubuntu 22.04, when I run ./coppeliaSim, there's a problem of resfresh on the Scene panel.


It occurs only when I access to Coppelia through a remote connexion with X2Go or Reminna (with VNC protocol).
If I run Coppelia on the Ubuntu computer, it works.

Here are some messages displayed on the terminal :

Code: Select all

phil@DL:/usr/local/CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_6_0_rev18_Ubuntu22_04$ ./coppeliaSim
[CoppeliaSimClient]   loading the CoppeliaSim library...
[CoppeliaSimClient:loadinfo]   done.
[CoppeliaSimClient:loadinfo]   launching CoppeliaSim...
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   Application directory is /usr/local/CoppeliaSim_Edu_V4_6_0_rev18_Ubuntu22_04
qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   user settings file is /home/phil/.CoppeliaSim/usrset.txt
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   CoppeliaSim v4.6.0 (rev. 18), flavor: 1, linux
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   plugin simIK0: loading...
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   plugin simIK0: done.
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   primary screen physical dots per inch: 75
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   display scaling (guessed): 100
qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   loaded the video compression library.
QXcbIntegration: Cannot create platform OpenGL context, neither GLX nor EGL are enabled
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   if CoppeliaSim crashes now, try to install libgl1-mesa-dev on your system:
    >sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   OpenGL: (none given), Renderer: (none given), Version: (none given)
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   simulator launched.

Do you have an idea?

Best regards,


Posts: 1297
Joined: 09 Sep 2013, 19:28

Re: Pb of refresh through remote connexion

Post by fferri »

try running in Xvfb? that would use software rendering

Posts: 14
Joined: 22 Nov 2020, 23:10

Re: Pb of refresh through remote connexion

Post by juhel »

I solved my problem.

The reason was due to this line in .bashrc file :


I remove it and now it works!


Posts: 1297
Joined: 09 Sep 2013, 19:28

Re: Pb of refresh through remote connexion

Post by fferri »

Thanks for sharing your solution!

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