When I use Coppeliasim and MATLAB together, how do I set the simulation step size?

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When I use Coppeliasim and MATLAB together, how do I set the simulation step size?

Post by aaaaabc? »

When I use Coppeliasim and MATLAB together, how do I set the simulation step size?I used the following command in MATLAB:
dt = 5e-3;
vrep.simxSetFloatingParameter(id,vrep.sim_floatparam_simulation_time_step,dt,vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait); vrep.simxSynchronous(id,true);
I used the following step sizes in Coppeliasim:dt=5.0ms(coustom).
However, the actual simulation step size is 130ms.

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Re: When I use Coppeliasim and MATLAB together, how do I set the simulation step size?

Post by fferri »

Did you have a look at Simulation in the User Manual?

What's the "actual" step size and how is it measured?

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