Handle the error when start vrep in Ubuntu22.04

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Handle the error when start vrep in Ubuntu22.04

Post by Horizon »

I have installed the Coppeliasim 4.7.0 rev0 in Ubuntu22.04. When I start the software I got the error in the console of CoppeliaSim. It's maybe helpful to let you know the installation of miniconda in my computer. How can I do to deal with it? Thanks a lot!

[sandboxScript:error] The Python interpreter could not handle the wrapper script (or communication between the launched subprocess and CoppeliaSim could not be established via sockets). Make sure that the Python modules 'cbor2' and 'zmq' are properly installed, e.g. via: $ python3 -m pip install pyzmq cbor2. Additionally, you can try adjusting the value of startTimeout in lua/pythonWrapperV2.lua, at the top of the file

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Re: Handle the error when start vrep in Ubuntu22.04

Post by coppelia »


the error message indicates that Python can't be found, or that you havem't installed the required Python packages.

For specific versions of Python, you might have to specify the full path to your Python binary for the variable defaultPython in usrset.txt (the location of that file can be found when you type sim.getStringParam(sim.stringparam_usersettingsdir) in the status bar of CoppeliaSim)


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