Following Path function

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Following Path function

Post by chousuiri »

There is a deprecated path function used in the following code snippet:

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pathLength = sim.getPathLength(path)
. I attempted to use the only usable path function (the one with dummies), but encountered the error: "in sim.getPathLength: object is not a path."

Additionally, I created the tip and the target for path following, but the tip did not follow the trajectory.

Here is my code for one of the targets:

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threadfunction = function()
    while true do
        sim.followPath(target, path, 1, posOnPath, v, 0)

path = sim.getObjectHandle('/FL_Path')
target = sim.getObjectHandle('/FL_target')
pathLength = sim.getPathLength(path)

posOnPath = 0
-- v = 0.0849 --0.0797 -- 0.025 m/s
v = 0.0687
res, err =xpcall(threadfunction, function(err) return debug.traceback(err) end)

if not res then
    sim.addStatusbarMessage('lua runtime error: ' .. err)
Many tutorials still use the old path function, which has left me stuck.

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Re: Following Path function

Post by coppelia »


can you point me to the file/document that still uses those deprecated functions?


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Re: Following Path function

Post by chousuiri »

I appreciate your concern.

Here is a screenshot of the objects. I'm unsure how to recreate them, but it originated from an old file. I need help finding a replacement function since the path (dummy one) is not recognized as a valid path according to the error message.

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Re: Following Path function

Post by coppelia »

Old scene files should still be operational, but shouldn't be extended with the old-type path objects anymore. If you really must, you can simply copy-paste one such old path object, and modify the copy to what you need. You can also temporarily enable the display of old dialog items by setting variable showOldDlgs temporarily to true in usrset.txt.

Otherwise, use the new paths, there is a relevant demo scene that illustrates how to read them and operate on them: scenes/movingAlongAPath-lua.ttt


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Re: Following Path function

Post by chousuiri »

Thanks a bunch!

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Re: Following Path function

Post by Cloudiness »

I saw that u have the same problem as mine so i wanted to ask u how did u solve your problem?

Since there is no function

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i cant just link my Dummy object with rectilinear path. ... type=album

I also know that there is an example for the robot following the path, i studied it and it uses the sensors to follow the path.

So the main question what`s the alternative function for

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? And how do i simply connect the object with the path?

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Re: Following Path function

Post by fferri »

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Re: Following Path function

Post by chousuiri »

Cloudiness wrote: 05 Jul 2024, 11:16 Hello!
I saw that u have the same problem as mine so i wanted to ask u how did u solve your problem?

Since there is no function

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i cant just link my Dummy object with rectilinear path. ... type=album

I also know that there is an example for the robot following the path, i studied it and it uses the sensors to follow the path.

So the main question what`s the alternative function for

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? And how do i simply connect the object with the path?
Sorry for my late reply. Have you already solved the problem?

Anyway, here are some parts of my code in the base section.

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 function sysCall_init()
    sim = require('sim')
    FL_objectToFollowPath = sim.getObject('/FL_target')
    FL_path = sim.getObject('/FL_Path')
    FL_pathData = sim.unpackDoubleTable(sim.readCustomDataBlock(FL_path, 'PATH'),0,0,0)
    local m = Matrix(#FL_pathData // 7, 7, FL_pathData)
    FL_pathPositions = m:slice(1, 1, m:rows(), 3):data()
    FL_pathQuaternions = m:slice(1, 4, m:rows(), 7):data()
    FL_pathLengths, FL_totalLength = sim.getPathLengths(FL_pathPositions, 3)
    FL_velocity = 0.04 -- m/s
    FL_posAlongPath = 0
    FL_previousSimulationTime = 0
function sysCall_actuation()
function sysCall_thread()
    while not sim.getSimulationStopping() do
        -- FL
        local t = sim.getSimulationTime()
        FL_targetpos = sim.getObjectPosition(FL_simTarget,-1)[3]
        FL_posAlongPath = FL_posAlongPath + FL_velocity * (t - FL_previousSimulationTime)
        FL_posAlongPath = FL_posAlongPath % FL_totalLength
        local FL_pos = sim.getPathInterpolatedConfig(FL_pathPositions, FL_pathLengths, FL_posAlongPath)
        local FL_quat = sim.getPathInterpolatedConfig(FL_pathQuaternions, FL_pathLengths, FL_posAlongPath, nil, {2, 2, 2, 2})
        sim.setObjectPosition(FL_objectToFollowPath, FL_pos, FL_path)
        sim.setObjectQuaternion(FL_objectToFollowPath, FL_quat, FL_path)
        FL_previousSimulationTime = t
I hope it helps!

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