Issue with Dummy Joint Breaking in IK Mode on Coppeliasim 4.1

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Issue with Dummy Joint Breaking in IK Mode on Coppeliasim 4.1

Post by apurv »

Hi everyone,

I am currently working on a robotic simulation in Coppeliasim 4.1 and using the PyRep library for control. My robot includes a parallelogram-type part, and I've connected the last joint using a dummy with a dynamic overlap constraint.

The problem arises when I switch to IK mode to reach a target position. Despite the target position being reachable without any issues, the dummy joint breaks during the movement. It seems like the IK solver is causing the joint to behave unexpectedly.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue or have any suggestions on how to resolve this? I need the IK mode to reach the target without breaking the dummy joint.

Out of 4 joints, only one joint is driving and others will move accordingly mechanical constraint, how should I configure other joints?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Re: Issue with Dummy Joint Breaking in IK Mode on Coppeliasim 4.1

Post by coppelia »


CoppeliaSim V4.1 is already quite old, and IK is now done differently (via code).
In any case, you cannot expect to switch from a dynamic simulation to a kinematic simulation, without having prepared the IK parts. In the (old) IK dialog, is there something that can be seen? If not, you need to set up IK in there


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