Multiple threaded scripts

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Re: Multiple threaded scripts

Post by coppelia »

Yes, you can easily control which script and when will execute. You however need to distinguish between threaded and non-threaded scripts:

Non-threaded scripts follow a precise execution order

Threaded script actually also follow above script execution order for resuming a thread. The simplest way to start/stop execution of a specific part of code would be doing:

Code: Select all

function sysCall_thread()
    sim.setInt32Signal('script1 ready', 0)
    sim.waitForSignal('script0 ready')
    ... execute some code here
    sim.setInt32Signal('script1 ready', 1)
    sim.waitForSignal('script0 ready')
    sim.setInt32Signal('script1 ready', 0)
    ... execute some code here
    sim.setInt32Signal('script1 ready', 1)
    sim.waitForSignal('script0 ready')

Jonatas Teixeira
Posts: 17
Joined: 13 Oct 2023, 18:04

Re: Multiple threaded scripts

Post by Jonatas Teixeira »

That's gonna help! Tyvm.

Jonatas Teixeira
Posts: 17
Joined: 13 Oct 2023, 18:04

Re: Multiple threaded scripts

Post by Jonatas Teixeira »

I don't know exactly what I did wrong but I used the code:

Code: Select all

    while true do
        print("coroutineMain, NA")
        print("coroutineMain after wait, NAdet="..sim.getInt32Signal("NAdetect"))
and got:

Code: Select all

coroutineMain, NA
coroutineMain after wait, NAdet=0
I read the function documentation and found that
The function only returns when the signal is present (defined)
Does it mean it won't wait if it's 0 (defined)?

Did I miss anything?

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Posts: 10504
Joined: 14 Dec 2012, 00:25

Re: Multiple threaded scripts

Post by coppelia »

If an int signal is 0, it is defined. You need to clear it with sim.clearInt32Signal


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