callScriptFunction and jsoncons for passing array

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Joined: 29 Dec 2022, 01:47

callScriptFunction and jsoncons for passing array

Post by CroCr »

It seems there is a change from CoppeliaSim in the way sending and receiving an array of parameters. I need to send and receive a bunch of values between C++ client and and CoppeliaSim. My old code in CoppeliaSim 4.5 no longer works in version 4.6. In Lua, I have these functions

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function get_q()
    local q = {}
    for i=1,#jointHandles,1 do
    return q

function set_control_inputs(args)
    for i=1,#jointHandles,1 do
In C++ client

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auto q_data = sim.callScriptFunction("get_q",scriptHandle); 
for(int i(0); i < 7; ++i){
    q[i]  = q_data[0][i].as_double(); // Why there is 2D? in Version 4.5 it was q_data[i].as_double(); 

json args(json_array_arg);
for(int i(0); i < 7; ++i)
sim.callScriptFunction("set_control_inputs",scriptHandle,args); // no longer works in v4.6. In Lua, args appears to be a single value.  
The OS is Ubuntu 22.04 and ZeroMQ API. In lowLevelCall.cpp, it passes a single string. In addition, the link provided is broken. This

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* See also

Posts: 82
Joined: 29 Dec 2022, 01:47

Re: callScriptFunction and jsoncons for passing array

Post by CroCr »

never mind. I've solved the problem.

Posts: 15
Joined: 12 Jul 2019, 09:37

Re: callScriptFunction and jsoncons for passing array

Post by PvtSchneewitchen »

how did you solve it?

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