So I am doing some learning tasks for a manipulator. However the simulation normally take several hours with the parameters I need (e.g. no. of steps, no. of episodes, etc.).
So I would like to run several simulations in parallel so that I could try different hyperparameters parallely.
I read about questions on similar topics, however I would like to have a general answer to it (Sorry for that).
System Specifications:
- OS - Ubuntu 20.04
- CPU - Intel i7-11700KF (3.6 Ghz), 16 Cores
- GPU - Nvidia RTX 3060
- CoppeliaSim ver 4.3.0 (rev0)
So I would like to know the answers for following queestions:
- How to run multiple instances, which are independent of each other (changing the port number?, which is 23000 by default for ZMQ)
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
class RemoteAPIClient:
"""Client to connect to CoppeliaSim's ZMQ Remote API."""
def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=23000, cntport=None, *, verbose=None):
- How can I assign separate cores for individual simulation instances
- I want to run the same script (with different parameters) on same the Scene (but multiple), do I have to create separate project files for all of them?
Thank You.