I have been running into an issue with a dual Python+Lua solution where state validation callbacks are needed.
I have a scene where I am using simIK.findConfigs to find a valid configuration for moving a robot to a pre-grasping pose, after which I use simOMPL.compute() to find a collision-free path to that configuration.
Everything is stored in a script object that is written in Python with some Lua-equivalent functions to run via Lua (for possible speedup as suggested in the stateValidationCallback-python scene in the scenes/pathPlanning folder). I've got everything running well if I do everything on Python, but running and calling the equivalent methods in Lua only work without a stateValidationCallback method provided.
In my Python code, I have a flag set to check if to use the Lua version or Python version:
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def findIKConfig(args):
# -- Prepare robot collection:
self.robot_collection = sim.createCollection()
sim.addItemToCollection(self.robot_collection, sim.handle_tree, self.robot, 0)
# -- prepare an ik task (in order to be able to find configs that match specific end-effector poses):
ikEnv = simIK.createEnvironment()
ikGroup = simIK.createGroup(ikEnv)
ikElement, simToIkObjectMapping, _ = simIK.addElementFromScene(ikEnv,ikGroup,self.robot,self.tip,self.goal,simIK.constraint_pose)
simIK.syncFromSim(ikEnv, [ikGroup])
# -- get a few handles from the IK world:
ikJointHandles = []
for J in range(len(self.joint_handles)):
pose = sim.getObjectPose(self.goal, self.robot)
if self.use_lua:
# -- run simIK.findConfigs from the Lua side:
configs = sim.callScriptFunction(
"ikEnv": ikEnv,
"ikGroup": ikGroup,
"ikJointHandles": ikJointHandles,
"robot_collection": self.robot_collection,
"joint_handles": self.joint_handles,
# -- run simIK.findConfigs from the Python side:
params = {
'maxDist': 0.1,
'maxTime': 10,
'findMultiple': False, # -- change to True to find multiple solutions
'pMetric': [0.05,0.05,0.05,0.1],
'cb': stateValidationCollision_python,
configs = simIK.findConfigs(ikEnv, ikGroup, ikJointHandles, params)
# NOTE: check here for more info on how a valid configuration is found via IK:
# https://manual.coppeliarobotics.com/en/simIK.htm#simIK.findConfigs
if bool(configs):
# -- found a robot config that matches the desired pose!
return configs[0]
return None
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function getConfig_lua()
-- get the current joint configuration
local retVal={}
for J=1,#joint_handles,1 do
return retVal
function setConfig_lua(config)
-- apply a joint configuration to the robot
for J=1,#joint_handles,1 do
function stateValidationCollision_lua(config)
-- check if a configuration is valid, i.e., doesn't collide:
-- save current config:
local tmp = getConfig_lua()
-- apply new config:
-- does new config collide?
local is_collision, _ = sim.checkCollision(robot_collection,sim.handle_all)
-- restore original config:
return (is_collision > 0)
function luaFindIKConfig(data)
-- get necessary handles for the state validation portion:
local ikEnv = data["ikEnv"]
local ikJointHandles = data["ikJointHandles"]
local ikGroup = data["ikGroup"]
-- passing these items for the getConfig and setConfig functions above; making them global in Lua scope:
robot_collection = data["robot_collection"]
joint_handles = data["joint_handles"]
params = {
maxDist = 0.1,
maxTime = 10,
findMultiple = false, -- change to true to find multiple solutions
pMetric = {0.05,0.05,0.05,0.1},
--cb = 'stateValidationCollision_lua' -- NOTE: if this is commented, it works!
return simIK.findConfigs(ikEnv, ikGroup, ikJointHandles, params)
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[simOMPL:error] OMPL: D:\coppeliaRobotics\coppeliaSim\programming\simOMPL\build\ompl-1.5.0-prefix\src\ompl-1.5.0\src\ompl\geometric\planners\rrt\src\RRTConnect.cpp:207: RRTConnect: Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!
Just to give a bit more context, I have the entire scene here. In this scene, I have a dummy object containing a script with all the motion planning stuff, and I have a Python file that sends a call to the dummy's script functions. My goal was to make OMPL planning more accessible and easier to use.
I sincerely appreciate any tips on how to fix this, thank you! I'd just like to see if I can make planning faster.