"Relative to" radio buttons

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"Relative to" radio buttons

Post by nikolaus »

In both the "Inertia Matrix" and the "Object/Item position/orientation" dialog windows, there are radio buttons that specify what the coordinates are relative to. It would be really cool if the coordinates were recalculated to stay up-to-date when a different radio button is selected.
Say I open the "Inertia Matrix" dialog, it shows X=1, Y=1, Z=1, and the "relative to shape frame" radio button is selected. If I then press the "relative to absolute frame" and the object is at 1,0,0, then it would be awesome if the X,Y,Z readout updated to say X=2, Y=1, Z=1.

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Re: "Relative to" radio buttons

Post by coppelia »

Makes sense!

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Re: "Relative to" radio buttons

Post by coppelia »

Done for next release (V3.0.2)! (coming out around mid-March 2013)

It was done for the inertia matrix dialog.
It doesn't make sense in the translation/rotation dialog because if you have several objects selected and you click on "relative to local frame", we don't have one distinct reference frame, but many!


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