Summit XL mobile platform by Robotnik

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Summit XL mobile platform by Robotnik

Post by mabemon »

Summit XL mobile platform by Robotnik in a video about V-REP simulation made by researchers of Robotic Group of Ai2 (UPV). ... 0oqALvRLOp


Re: Summit XL mobile platform by Robotnik

Post by N_rob »

Hi I am working on the simulation of the Summit Xl on V Rep. I saw this video and I want to know the steps done in order to have this model working as on the video. Thank you

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Re: Summit XL mobile platform by Robotnik

Post by coppelia »


the video was done by user mabemon, that you may contact to obtain the model. But as far as I know the model is currently still quite approximate (i.e. the vehicle is a single rigid entity, no spring/damping in the wheel arms).



Re: Summit XL mobile platform by Robotnik

Post by N_rob »


I want to ask about the PID control in the dynamic properties of joints. What do we use them for exactly? I mean what do they


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Re: Summit XL mobile platform by Robotnik

Post by coppelia »


the PID controller is usually used to control a joint in position (i.e. if you need to keep the joint follow a desired position). Most of the time, only the P component of the PID is used.


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Re: Summit XL mobile platform by Robotnik

Post by amattag »


I am also working with the Summit XL mobile platform at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Is there a way that you can share your model with us?

Thank you very much.

Antonio Matta.

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Re: Summit XL mobile platform by Robotnik

Post by coppelia »

Hello Antonio,

if you contact us here, we can put you in touch with the person in charge.



Re: Summit XL mobile platform by Robotnik

Post by N_rob »


Thank you for the answer but I would like to know what does the derivate position do to the joint performance?

I have one more thing please, I am doing frction essays on V Rep with the Summit XL model, with both Billet and ODE, and I am wondering why the robot cannot climb more than 33 degrees almost whereas the real robot can go up to 45 degree slope.

Thank you very much

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Re: Summit XL mobile platform by Robotnik

Post by coppelia »

Have a look at how a PID controller works.

Then, your simulation in the mentioned situation will only be as good as the model and the used physics engine. A physics engine will never compute exact results, actually they are quite approximate. And you can always adjust the friction parameters of the wheels or the ground.


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Re: Summit XL mobile platform by Robotnik

Post by LuisRicardo »


I am currently trying to make a controller for the Summit XL. Are there an article or code where I can find the dynamic model of the summit XL?

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