Line following bubbleRob tutorial

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Joined: 29 Oct 2014, 15:20

Line following bubbleRob tutorial

Post by Hasif »


I am new to V-Rep and my final year project require me to understand this simulation software.
I tried the 'Line following BubbleRob' tutorial and copy paste the script.
Somehow. it seems that there are some errors on the script.
I ran the simulation but the bubbleRob doesn't seem to follow the line which it supposed to do and the bubbleRob keeps moving backwards.
Even the tutorial located in V-REP's installation folder, in tutorials/BubbleRob have the same problem when running the simulation.

I would like to know are there any mistakes in the script or are there any adjustments that the tutorial did not state even though I follow the tutorial closely?


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Re: Line following bubbleRob tutorial

Post by coppelia »


I guess you are running V-REP 3.1.3
There is a small bug that affects the behaviour of vision sensors that have a resolution of one-by-one pixel. A simply workaround is to set the resolution of the 3 vision sensors to 4-by-4. You can do this in the vision sensor properties.


Posts: 11
Joined: 29 Oct 2014, 15:20

Re: Line following bubbleRob tutorial

Post by Hasif »

Thank you.

It finally work.

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