Compile Vrep plugin in Qt

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Compile Vrep plugin in Qt

Post by dds »

its possible to compile a Vrep plugin in Qt enviroment in Windows?
what configurations must be taken into account? could you make briefly instructive about this?

Also ¿its possible to configure Qt to compile the same plugin proyect in Linux and windows?
thanks greetings!

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Re: Compile Vrep plugin in Qt

Post by coppelia »


yes, this should be no problem. There are already a few Qt plugins that should compile without modification:
  • programming/v_repExtBubbleRob
  • programming/v_repExtK3
  • programming/v_repExtMtb
  • programming/v_repExtRemoteApi
  • programming/v_repExtSimpleFilter
  • programming/v_repExtUrdf
  • programming/v_repExtVision
just make sure to use the exact same Qt version as the one that was used to compile V-REP, otherwise you might get into trouble (this is however less critical if you do not use any GUI in your plugin, as far as I know). Also try to use the same compiler (MinGW in Windows).

The above plugin projects should compile without modification in Windows, Linux and Mac.


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Re: Compile Vrep plugin in Qt

Post by marta »

I tried to compile the BubbleRob plugin using QT in Windows and using the original .pro file.
The dll file is generated and I copied it into the root directoy of vrep.

But when VREP start I get the following message:

Plugin 'BubbleRob': loading...
Error with plugin 'BubbleRob': load failed (could not load). The plugin probably couldn't load dependency libraries. Try rebuilding the plugin.

I am usign VREP 3.5.0 rev1 and Qt Creator 4.5.1.
The settings for the project are as follows:
- Kit: Desktop Qt 5.9.0 MinGW 32 bit
- Qt versions: Qt 5.9.0 MinGW 32 bit

Is there something I am doing wrong? What could I check to understand the problem?

Thank you in advance


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Re: Compile Vrep plugin in Qt

Post by coppelia »


you need to compile your plugin for the same architecture as V-REP. The Windows version of V-REP is 64bit, since V3.4.0. Also, since V3.4.0, the used compiler is msvc2015.


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